A Judge We Can Depend On

As we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the ten days of repentance, and the awesome day of Yom Kippur when our judgment is sealed for the coming year, it’s so important for me to tell my readers how much I love the Ribbono Shel Olam, the Master of the Universe.

Therefore Give Honor To Your Nation

You know, it’s amazing. Here we stand before the Heavenly Judge, asking for a year of health for our families and for the nation plus everything else good. That’s what judgment day is for all of us. The unique text of the liturgy for the High Holy Days begins with the daily Ata Kadosh – You are holy…and “holy ones [that’s us] praise you daily.”

For Better or for Worse

Hashem simply goes beyond the letter of the law in His love for us.

Today’s Israeli: A Charming New Breed

In Israel today there is a new generation whose members may not be outwardly observant but who are intrinsically religious and have the utmost respect for the Torah and its scholars.

A Nation Of Kreplach

Hoshana Rabbah is, according to tradition, the day the judgment of Yom Kippur is sealed and finalized. There are some changes in the morning prayers. We circle the bima seven times with our lulav and esrog and then we put them down and take five aravos and beat them on the synagogue floor as if to say, “These are being beaten instead of me.”

Israel Will Stand Alone

To me, the biggest joke of it all was the gleeful announcement by Rabin that “We are no longer an am livadad yishkone, a nation that dwells alone!”

Where Is The Tzaddik? Look In The Mirror!

I’d like to offer the following question: At the Pesach Seder we read about the four sons – the wise, the wicked, the simple and the one who does not know how to ask – but where is the righteous son, the tzaddik?

Psalms, Scuds And Shamir

Let me tell you how special it is to live in Eretz Yisrael. The other day I decided it was time for me to say the entire Book of Psalms – Tehillim. I’m the father of ten children and fifteen grandchildren (b’li ayin hara), so the power of Tehillim is where I turn, for my family’s needs.

Survival Olympics

What were you thinking on Tisha B’Av, the saddest day of the year? The day when we mourn the destruction of our two Temples; our expulsion from Spain, England and France; the Crusades, the Holocaust; our two thousand years of wandering the earth?

Heshy Frank’s Holocaust Story

I want to share a Holocaust story as told to me by Heshy Frank, owner of Quality Carpet and my radio sponsor for the past 32 years.

Bloody Year, Blessed Future

Fortunate are we to have Rosh Hashanah for repentance, a shofar to awaken heavenly mercy.

Israel Is Forever

My most recent column elicited a fascinating response from an American woman. Before I share that letter and my reply, I will briefly reiterate the substance of that Dec. 28 column, which was titled “My Reasons to Be Jolly.”

‘Everything Is Great!’

In recent years, the way people greet each other in Israel has changed. For as long as I can remember the greeting was always, “mah shlomcha,” which is equivalent to “How are you?” The Israeli answer was generally, “B’seder, Baruch Hashem,” equivalent to “I’m OK, thank God.”

Israel: Headed For Disaster?

I just celebrated the 29th anniversary of my aliyah to Israel. I have experienced two intifadas, the disastrous results of the Oslo agreements, the assassination of a prime minister, and the tragic expulsion of thousands of our citizens from their beautiful homes in Gush Katif.

Operation Pillar Of Defense Becomes A Cloudy Pillar

As I write this, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has just announced, during a televised press conference, his decision not to run in the coming elections and to leave politics.

‘Arik Charbi’ – Arik Is My Sword

This past Shabbos, as we read the weekly Torah portion of Bishalach, my son suddenly said to me, “Dad, I have a feeling Sharon is going to pass away today, because we just read his name in Az Yashir [the Song of the Sea] where it says ‘arik charbi.’ ”

Ruby Rivlin’s Victory: ‘Lu Yehi’ Defeats ‘Let it Be’

While the phrase “Let It Be” implies doing nothing, “Lu Yehi” implies working toward a goal.

Beyond Belief

Here we are again – Shavuos, the yom tov commemorating the giving of the Torah, God’s greatest gift to mankind. If someone were to say to me, “It’s unbelievable that Hashem gave us His amazing Torah,” I would respond, “That’s the wrong way to put it. ‘Unbelievable’ means ‘not to be believed.’ The correct expression is, ‘It’s beyond belief’ – meaning more than belief. Hashem loves His charming nation beyond words.”

Does God Want A Center-Right Israeli Government?

I write this column with my bags packed. I’m lighting four candles in Israel and my fifth I will light Wednesday evening at about 9 p.m. in the lobby of the Avenue Plaza Hotel in Boro Park. I’ll have my guitar in hand, and everyone is invited.

Twisting Truth for the Sake of Peace

God decided to cast Truth down to earth and went on to create the world.

My Reasons To Be Jolly

I’m wrapping up my trip to the U.S., a visit that for the first time in many years happened to coincide with Christmas.

A Great Afterlife Awaits

Isn't it comforting to know that our God loves life, grants life, and promises eternal life?

Edge Of The Ledge

Israel feebly begged Hamas to end the barrage, promising that "quiet will be met with quiet."

Presenting Arafat’s Dead Sea Tonic

An Israeli company should make “Arafat's Dead Sea Tonic” with this warning: “may cause severe vomiting or even death.”

Elections And The ‘Dust’ Of History

As Americans prepare to vote, allow me to hold up a banner with the words of the wisest man ever. The words are those of King Solomon (Koheles 1:9): “What was will be, what was done will again be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”

From Egypt I Called to my Son Jonathan

I hollered over and over again, waving a clinched fist toward the heavens.

Rabin’s Guide To Coalition Formation

The post-election coalition negotiations are underway and it may take several weeks for the country to finally have a new government, with Prime Minister Netanyahu once again at its helm.

The Tremendous Heart Of Pinchas Daddy

We’ve just read the Torah portion about Pinchas, an amazing tzaddik who performed an unusual act instinctively and for the sake of Hashem and His honor.

The Holiest Week Of The Omer

My father had gone to the hospital to get a simple procedure to clear the arteries. The procedure failed and the doctor made a terrible mistake in what he did next. The botched effort caused my dad to have not one but two heart attacks.

The Power of Giving

As I put on my tefillin, I knew we needed a miracle.


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