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At the instigation of the Federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), a number of prominent Jewish pediatricians have stepped forward to warn the Jewish community that they must immediately subject their children to the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) 3-in-1 combination vaccine.

The reason given is that there have been a number of measles cases in the Jewish community, and, therefore, parents must immediately protect their children.


I propose to give an alternative view, based on five years of research into the vaccine industry and the practices of the DOHMH and the CDC.

With all due respect to the fine pediatricians in our community who do their best to care for our young children, I strongly differ with their statement that “there is no credible evidence that the MMR vaccination causes mental or physical damage to children.”

I have personally advised all members of my family to postpone all vaccinations until at least two years of age, and then to selectively give single shots only, not combinations of 3-in-1, 4-in-1, or 5-in-1. That means no MMR and no DPT.

As a public service to the Jewish community, I would like to present the results of my investigations, in an attempt to introduce some measure of balance into the frenzied push for unlimited vaccinations to every child, regardless of their health condition.


As a member of the Bris Milah Anti-Defamation League, I have found it necessary to research the operations NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the Federal government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in connection with their accusations that Traditional Bris Milah has caused injury, and even death, to Jewish children.

Because most people assume that the CDC is a completely professional organization which is beyond politics, their attacks on Bris Milah have, unfortunately, struck fear and uncertainty among many of our fine Jewish mothers.

In Washington, D.C., there is a joke that the government follows the “Golden Rule”—“He who has the gold, makes the rules.” Thousands of well-heeled lobbyists spend fortunes to influence and even write the legislation that comes out of Washington.

The pharmaceutical industry, which manufactures all the vaccines, is one of the most well-heeled players in Washington. They can pretty much get anything they want from the Congress.

During the 1980’s, the vaccine industry succeeded in passing a law that made it impossible for vaccine-injured children to sue the vaccine manufacturers. Instead, the Government set up a “Vaccine Court” to hear cases and pay compensation from Federal Government taxpayer money.

Billions of dollars have been paid out for serious vaccine injuries, ranging from paralysis to mental retardation and, yes—Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The information is available on a special database maintained by the CDC, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

Reb Avrohom “Romi” Cohn, an experienced Mohel who has performed over 35,000 Bris Milahs without even a single problem, told me that he just heard of a mother in Queens who was so terrorized by the NYC Department of Health’s fear-mongering campaign that she locked the door to her room and refused to allow her child to be taken to his Bris Milah, saying “I don’t want my baby to be killed.”


Unlike the general impression, the CDC is a heavily-politicized organization, as bad or worse than the IRS (at least the IRS doesn’t kill you).

The CDC and the DOHMH are, basically, one and the same. They share the same people in important positions.

The current Director of the CDC is none other than Thomas Frieden, the very same person who started the inquisition against Bris Milah when he was the Commissioner of DOHMH under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Susan Blank, the NYC Assistant Health Commissioner, who conducted the Bris Milah inquisition against Rabbis and parents, also works for the CDC and was Chairwoman of the 2012 AAP Task force on Circumcision.

So, here you have a person, Susan Blank, who single-handedly controls circumcision policy at the CDC, the NYC Department of Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Imagine, a single woman has the power to create a blood libel against hundreds of Mohels in our community, despite the fact that they have a safety record that is universally—if grudgingly—acknowledged to be superior to the safety record of any surgeon practicing in New York city’s hospitals.

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