Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Vol. LXXI No. 41                                   5781



New York City
October 9, 2020 – 21 Tishrei 5781
6:06 p.m. NYC E.D.T.


Sabbath Ends: 7:04 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sabbath Ends Rabbenu Tam: 7:36 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Weekly Reading: Shemini Atzeres (see below)
Weekly Haftara: Shemini Atzeres (see below)
Daf Yomi: Eruvin 61
Mishna Yomit: Kelim 16:4-5
Halacha Yomit: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 200:7-11
Rambam Yomi: Hilchos Isurei Bi’ah chap. 15-17
Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 6:11 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunrise: 7:01 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Latest Kerias Shema: 9:51 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunset: 6:24 p.m. NYC E.D.T.


Hoshana Rabbah: We say the same text for Pisukei D’zimra as on Shabbos and yom tov, but Mizmor leToda replaces Nishmas. Some congregations say Shir Hama’alos Mima’amakim while the aron is open.

We treat this day with some of the same gravity as Yom Kippur. Some immerse in a mikveh. The chazzan dons a kittel since this day is when the seal is affixed to our judgment. Thus, some are accustomed to greet one another until Hoshana Rabbah with “G’mar chasima tova.”

Say Ya’aleh VeYavo in Shemoneh Esreh. Following chazaras hashatz, we take the lulav and esrog and say “Al Netilas lulav” and wave in all six directions. We hold the Four Species as we recite the whole Hallel. At Hodu and Ana Hashem, we again wave the lulav in the customary manner.

Some congregations say Hoshanos after Hallel while others say Hoshanos following Mussaf. For Hoshanos, we remove one of the Sifrei Torah from the aron. We circle the bimah seven times holding the lulav and esrog saying all the Hoshanos we said on the previous days.

When we reach the “Ta’aneh Emunim,” we put away the Four Species and take the chabata – a bunch of aravos bound together. At the conclusion of the Hoshanos, we bang the chabata on the ground. The chazzan then recites Kaddish Tiskabbel.

We remove one Sefer Torah from the aron and say Ein Kamocha, Shema Yisrael, Ribbono shel Olam (as on Shabbos and Yom Tov). We call 4 aliyos and read Bamidbar 29:26-34. The fourth aliyah repeats verses 29:29-34.

We return the Sefer Torah to the aron, the chazzan say half-Kaddish and we say the silent Shemoneh Esreh of Mussaf Shalosh Regalim. Following chazzaras hashatz is Kaddish Tiskabbel, Ein KeElokeinu, Aleinu, Shir shel Yom, and LeDavid Hashem Ori.

Shemini Atzeres: We light yahrtzeit candles before Shabbos candles, which are to be lit at 6:06 p.m. in New York City. The blessings are Lehadlik ner shel Shabbos veshel Yom Tov and Shehecheyanu.

Kabbalas Shabbos: No Lechu Neranena. We begin at Mizmor shir leYom HaShabbos (or Mizmor LeDavid, followed by the first and last two stanzas of Lechah Dodi, then Mizmor shir leYom HaShabbos).

Maariv: Add Vayedabber Moshe after Veshamru followed by Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh. Conclude with Va’yechulu and Magen Avos etc., followed by Kaddish Tiskabbel, Aleinu, and LeDavid Hashem Ori (Nusach Sefarad says LeDavid following Mincha). Minhag Sefarad does hakafos on the night of Shemini Atzeres as well as on the night of Simchas Torah.

Kiddush: Start with the Shabbos text, Yom Hashishi, etc., then the text of Shalosh Regalim concluding with Mekaddesh HaShabbos, veYisrael veHazemanim. Since Shemini Atzeres is considered a new Yom Tov, we say Shehecheyanu. Most still eat in the sukkah because of sefeka de’yoma. But we don’t say “leishev baSukkah” as we no longer refer to this Yom Tov as Sukkos. We continue to use honey instead of salt for Hamotzi.

Shabbos morning: The chazzan begins at HaKeil instead of Shochein Ad. The Shemoneh Esreh is that of Shalosh Regalim. Following chazaras hashatz, we say whole Hallel followed by Kaddish Tiskabbel (Sefarad then says Shir shel yom and LeDavid Hashem Ori).

We remove two Sifrei Torah from the aron. We don’t say the Thirteen Middos or Ribbono Shel Olam as it is Shabbos. We call up 7 aliyos and read Devarim 14:22-29; 15:1-23; 16:1-17). We then place the second scroll next to the first one and the ba’al keriah recites half-Kaddish. We then call the Maftir and read from the second scroll Bamidbar 29:35-39; 30:1. The Haftorah is I Kings 8:54-66; 9:1. Following the birchos Hahaftara, the chazzan recites Yekum Purkan.

It is customary in many congregations to have a Yizkor appeal since we say, “In the merit of my vowing to give charity on his/her behalf” in Yizkor. Following Yizkor and Av HaRachamim is Ashrei. We then return the Sifrei Torah to the Ark. The chazzan dons a kittel and says half-Kaddish to the special somber melody reserved for Geshem.

Before we begin Shemoneh Esreh, the gabbai calls out, “Mashiv Haru’ach U’morid Hageshem” and we add this in our silent Shemoneh Esreh. In chazas hashatz, the chazzan chants the prayer for rain in its special nusach. At Ve’se’arev the Kohanim go up to the duchan. Since it’s Shabbos, we don’t say Ribbono Shel Olam or Yehi Ratzon. The chazzan then recites Kaddish Tiskabbel.

Mincha: We remove a Sefer Torah from aron and read Devarim 33:1-17. If one forgot to say Mashiv Haruach in Shemoneh Esreh and realizes before he said the beracha of Ata Kadosh, he should say it then and there. If, however, he already said Ata Kadosh, he should repeat Shemoneh Esreh from the beginning. Thus, according to the Rema (Orach Chayim 114:9), it is proper to repeat 90 times, “Mashiv Haru’ach U’morid Hageshem” in order not to utter a blessing in vain.

Motza’ei Shabbos, the second night of Yom Tov: We can’t make preparations from Shabbos to Yom Tov before we light candles at 7:04 p.m. (According to Piskei R. Henkin, the zeman is preferably 72 minutes after sunset, at 7:36 p.m. or, at the very least, 60 minutes after sunset, at 7:24 p.m.). When lighting candles, say Lehadlik ner shel Yom Tov and Shehecheyanu.

Maariv: We say Vayedabber Moshe before shemoneh Esrei of Shalosh Regalim. It is customary before saying “Ata Horeisa” to sell this right for pledges to charity. The purchaser then honors individuals with the recitation of individual pesukim. Most congregations also sell the other honors associated with Simchas Torah. With all the Sifrei Torah removed from the aron, we circle the bimah seven times in joyous dance.

At the conclusion of hakafos, we return all but one Sefer Torah to the Ark. We call three aliyos and read Devarim 31:1-26. Some congregations call five aliyos.

Kiddush is the usual Shalosh Regalim Kiddush plus Havdala with a candle (we use the Yom Tov candles) and conclude with Shehecheyanu. We eat our festive seuda in the house.

Sunday morning: No Vese’arev, Ribbono Shel Olam or Yehi Ratzon. After “Ata Horeisa,” we remove the Sifrei Torah from the aron and read Devarim 31:1-26. We divide the parasha into five aliyos and keep calling people up to the Torah, repeating the portion many times until all the members of the congregation have been called.

The Chassan Kol Hane’arim says the berachos with all the children under the canopy (or tallis). He is followed by the Chassan Torah and Chassan Bereishis. Following hagbaha, place the Sifrei Torah on the bima, and the ba’al keriah says half-Kaddish. Maftir is Bamidbar 29:35-39; 30:1 and the Haftorah is Yehoshua 1:1-18.

We say Ashrei and Sissu vesimchu besimchas Torah. Many add Hiskabtzu and Agil Ve’esmach. We return the Sifrei Torah to the aron and the chazzan recites half-Kaddish.

Mussaf: We do not duchan at Mussaf, as we have already done so during Shacharis.

Ma’ariv: Usual weekday Maariv with (havdala) “Ata chonantanu.” Havdala is on wine; no flame or spices. Yom Tov concludes at 7:01 p.m. in NYC. Some wait until 7:21 or 7:33. We do not say Tachanun until after Rosh Chodesh (2nd of Marcheshvan).

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Rabbi Yaakov Klass is Rav of K’hal Bnei Matisyahu in Flatbush; Torah Editor of The Jewish Press; and Presidium Chairman, Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim.