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Thrown Into Prison

         When Yisro heard his daughters’ words, he asked them:

         “If this man did such a good thing for you, why did you not invite him in to eat? Go, get him.”


         And so Moshe was brought into the house of Yisro, and he sat in conversation with the pagan priest.

         “I am a Hebrew and I come from Mitzrayim,” said Moshe, who then told Yisro all that had befallen him in both Mitzrayim and Ethiopia.

         Yisro listened carefully to all that Moshe told him and thought to himself:

         “Can this be? Can a man who has comfort and wealth give it all up for principle and ideals? I cannot believe such a thing. Surely, there was some evil action that he did in Ethiopia and, because of this, he had fled. I will have him thrown into prison until the Mitzrim come and send for him.”

         And so, Moshe was seized and thrown into a deep and dark pit. There he remained for years and would have surely died of hunger if not for Zipporah, the daughter of Yisro, who would come secretly every day and feed him. Yisro knew nothing of this, and put Moshe out of his mind.

(To be continued)

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