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Today David will be speaking with two very special women who are fighting the battle for Israel on Social Media and on the ground in Israel, in the United Nations and in other places.

Virag Gulyas is a Hungarian woman living in New York, she is not Jewish, but has discovered a love for the Jewish people and the State of Israel. She is a professional Brand Digger, Social Media strategist and PR expert. She recently came under personal attack of the worst kind by anonymous hackers who stole her photos from Facebook and uploaded them to a porn site with vulgar references. But, Virag did not let them intimidate her, she stood up and fought back.


Talyor Amrani is an amazing young woman who left the comforts of the Valley in Los Angeles and came to Israel to serve in the IDF and to live the Israeli experience. Talyor who is now studying in University in Israel has recently begun posting video posts to Social Media sharing her take on Israel’s current events and interviewing interesting people who she feels should be seen and heard. Check out her Facebook page and youtube channel, and don’t miss her interview on a Hebrew in the Heartland.

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