Politics, Pandemics, & Division: Where and When is the Messiah? – The Tamar Yonah...

Tamar speaks with Rabbi Pinchas Winston from www.ThirtySix.org as he goes through the current events that our prophets of old talked about when describing the Messianic era!

Jonathan Pollard & the US Elections – 2 Views – The Tamar Yonah Show...

Jonathan Pollard is the only American who has received a life sentence for passing classified information to an ally of the United States. He did it, because not doing so would have endangered Israel's security by withholding this crucial information - that America was supposed to relay to Israel. Now that he has completed his sentence and parole, he is free to come to Israel. More details in this show. Also, what do we know for certain about the US election aftermath and what don't we know?

The Mystical Meaning of the Coronavirus w/Rabbi Mendel Kessin – The Tamar Yonah Show...

The fear of Death. That's what everyone is afraid of, and why we are hiding out in our homes from this deadly pandemic. But besides being fearful for our lives, and the lives of our loved ones, we have another 'tikkun' or 'fixing' that we need to do. Internationally known lecturer on current events and the Bible, Rabbi Mendel Kessin, joins Tamar Yonah and talks about the meaning behind this worldwide pandemic, what we are supposed to learn, and DO, in order to merit seeing the coming of the Messiah.

Dirty Elections and Ballot Cheating – How It’s Done. – The Tamar Yonah Show...

Tamar Yonah talks about how the Israeli voting system works, and how cheating with the counting of votes and other 'irregularities' can and even has been done.

Hezbollah is Worse Than Hamas – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

The north is in more danger than the south. Tamar interviews Nechama a resident of the north as she describes life under Hezbollah attacks

Tamar Gets ‘Too Emotional’ on the Peace to Prosperity Workshop in Bahrain. – The...

A heated debate ensues when Tamar argues with her guest on the Peace to Prosperity Workshop in Bahrain. Did she gt too emotional about the peace efforts?

Globalism, Censorship, Vaccine Compliance, Victimhood – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Censorship, 'offending' people, victimhood,, and accusations of 'racism'' are being employed to scare people into submission and into a globalism akin to communism that has no respect or value for human rights or human life. Tamar speaks with the most 'censored' woman in the world, Laura Loomer.

Third Elections Could Turn Into Fourth, and Fifth Elections – The Tamar Yonah Show...

Tamar Yonah speaks with Knesset Insider, Jeremy Saltan from www.knessetjeremy.com on what's going on with the government and if we will go to Third Elections, and Fourth Elections, and Fifth elections..... Be one of the few people who have a handle on what's really going down in the Knesset!

History: Behind the Scenes of the Greek-Jewish Wars – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

The story of Hanukkah is not a fable. Real wars were fought and it took many battles and approx. 25 years to finally gain independence. How bloody was this war, who died, and who repented? Find out these fascinating facts of history that you probably have never heard regarding the REAL Hanukkah story!

The Tamar Yonah Show – Was the Turkey Coup a False Flag Operation? [audio]

Is it coincidence that the military coup in Turkey made Turkish President Erdogan even stronger, and giving him an excuse to go after his enemies in a witch-hunt in a legitimate way?

A Queen’s Life Between Diapers and Social Media – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

The colorful kingdom of a Queen-Mother with seven kids. Tamar interviews up and coming YouTube star, Leorah Hallel Goldberg. She's the mother of 7 kids, that lost weight and became a model. How did she do it, and why does Tamar love her so much? You can view her videos and follow Leorah at:

Undressing Evil & Down with Chanukah! – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Did you know that there was a FEMALE Maccabee? Hear this amazing story that helped spark the revolution against the occupying Syrian-Greek power in the Land of Israel. Also, a masterpiece of an article written by Rabbi Meir Kahane z"l on the hypocrisy of celebrating Hanukkah when one doesn't even observe the most basic commandments. You must hear this and share.

New Ways of Warfare & THE Solution to the Arab-Israeli Conflict! – The Tamar...

No more Right of Return for Arabs to Israel and no more hundreds of millions of US dollars pumped into the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. This is very positive news, and Tamar delivers it right to you with a variety of guests who are speaking on this and more!

Letter from an IDF soldier, Arab Arsonists & More! – The Tamar Yonah Show...

How to put an end to Terror-Kites the RIGHT way, and other news about Gaza, Iran, and Bibi's strong poll results. PLUS: A letter from an IDF soldier serving on the Israeli border with Gaza.

A Special Week of Appreciation and Celebration – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

What do Israelis experience during the week of Memorial & Independence Day? Tamar Yonah describes what it's like, from sirens to celebrations. Not to miss!

No More Touching – Your Life is Going to Change – The Tamar Yonah...

PM Netanyahu opened his press conference with orders for a new way of living during this coronavirus outbreak: “We love to embrace. We love to shake hands. We love to kiss.... No more." On this two hour special show, we talk about the new government guidelines and orders due to the coronavirus outbreak. We explain WHY it is important for every citizen to abide by these new rules, and why people would describe you as a SELFISH person if you don't abide by them.

Europe in Revolt – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Europe is in Revolt with BREXIT, and France & Belgium's Yellow Vests. Why are they destroying their own cities? ...Also, Israel's Operation Northern Shield. How far does the Hezbollah-Iranian threat go?

He Trekked Israel ALONE and Found …Himself. Meet This Unusual Man! – The Tamar...

After a personal upheaval and broken in spirit, this unique man sets off on a trail in Israel where he finds healing, forgiveness and a renewed life!

Both Deadly: Antisemitic Cartoons and Gunfire – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Antisemitism seems to be becoming almost 'mainstream' in the West. After a vile antisemitic cartoon was published in the NY Times International Edition (and then removed with barely an apology), and a shooting in a synagogue by a white white supremacist which killed one and injured at least three others, what can, and should Jews conclude, and what should be the right course of action? Tamar Yonah speaks with guests: -Jerusalem Post Oped Editor and Middle East Affairs Analyst, Seth J. Frantzman

The Tamar Yonah Show – Obama, Trump, and the Messiah [audio]

Are Obama & Trump reincarnated Biblical figures to play out in the End of Days?

THIS Cured My Back Pain – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Tamar’s back pain was so excruciatingly painful, that she could barely get out of bed. She couldn’t sit in a chair. She either had to lie prone, or pace back and forth – which exhausted her.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/tamar-yonah-show/politics-pandemics-division-where-and-when-is-the-messiah-the-tamar-yonah-show-audio/2021/07/26/

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