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Will Friday’s terror attack that took place near the Temple Mount finally lead to Jewish sovereignty?
After two people were killed, and additional weaponry was found hidden on the Temple Mount with Muslim clerics suspected of collaboration with the terrorists in their deadly attack, how can Israel NOT take charge? With the closing of the Temple Mount for Muslims, Jews and all other visitors, and the lack of bloody violence in retaliation that police and the government feared might happen, might not this be the time to finally take sovereignty over the Mount to ensure ALL to be able to pray freely and safely on the Holiest place on earth?

Tamar Yonah brings on guests;
Shifra Hoffman of and
INTR News Director, Hana Julian,
and Temple Mount Activist, Chaim Richman, who is the International Director of the Temple Institute,


The Tamar Yonah Show 16July2017 – PODCAST


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