Photo Credit: IDF
Israeli soldiers give first-aid to Palestinian Authority Arab before moving him to an Israeli hospital for care

IDF soldiers serving in Judea and Samaria will soon have a new app to play with on their smartphones: One that will provide them with basic Arabic language skills.

Colonel Roi Sheetrit, commander of the Efraim Brigade, developed the tool to help soldiers on operational duty in their daily contact with the Palestinian population.


“The soldiers operate among the Palestinian civilian population on a daily basis and need to be able to sensitive to their needs and understand their language and culture,” explains Sheetrit.

The app, called Bab al Ta’am, allows soldiers to practice Arabic sentences they might have to employ when manning checkpoints or making arrests, alongside popular greetings and blessings; and phrases for providing first aid.

Sheetrit says the aim is that the soldiers be exposed to the app when they commence their operational deployment in Judea and Samaria in order to provide them with basic skills for their mission.

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