Photo Credit: Screenshot
Screenshot of Copenhagen terrorist before police killed him.

11:30 AM The Jewish guard killed by a terrorist after midnight Saturday saved the deaths of countless Jews by his standing outside the synagogue and absorbing the lethal bullet in the head at the hands of the attacker at a Bat Mitzvah celebration.

The killer fled and did not enter the synagogue, according to Copenhagen Jewish leader Rabbi Yair Melchior.


The guard, a volunteer, was identified by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as Dan Uzan, 37, whose father is Israeli and mother is Danish.

Police also confirmed that the terrorist has been killed and that he also carried out Friday’s murder at a cafe.

“We assume that it’s the same culprit behind both incidents, and we also assume that the culprit that was shot by the police task force on Norreport station is the person behind both of these assassinations,” Chief police inspector Torben Molgaard Jensen said.

Police shot and killed the terrorist after a massive manhunt that included armored vehicles and helicopters.

8:07 AM The young Jewish man who was killed by the terrorist has been identified as the synagogue’s guard. There was a Bat Mitzvah happening at the Great Synagogue in Copenhagen at the time.

7:37 AM According to reports from Copenhagen, police surrounded the suspected terrorist and tried to arrest him. A shootout began, and the police killed him. No police were injured. The police had already been keeping the address where the terrorist was shot “under observation”.

7:20 AM Copenhagen police shoot dead the man believed to be the terrorist.

7:00 AM There are reports of gunfire exchanged between police and the terrorist near Nørrebro Station, 1 person was hit.


Hours after the terrorist attack on a Copenhagen cafe which left 1 man dead, and 3 injured, a gunman attacked a Copenhagen synagogue, after midnight.

The attack on the synagogue killed a civilian, and injured 2 policemen. The civilian is believed to have been a Jewish.

The Copenhagen train station has been evacuated following the synagogue attack and residents have been told to remain indoors.

The shooter, described as an athletic looking male with an automatic rifle, is still at large.

There are 7000 Jews living in Denmark, most in Copenhagen.

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