Photo Credit: OhevChadashot /
Arab threw firebombs at Jewish residential buildings in Beit Hanina.

HaKol Hayehudi has compiled a list of 50 Arab terror attacks and riots over the weekend.

This list is not complete…


Sunday – August 2, 2015

0:52 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the Zarzir intersection up north, damage reported
00:38 Arabs rioting in the Old City of Jerusalem
0:02 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the road near Karnei Shomron

Shabbat – August 1, 2015

23:58 One lightly injured from stone throwing at the Givaot junction
23:50 Two Jews were slightly injured by stones thrown near the village of Duma

23:22 Fireworks and stones thrown at Beit Haddasah in Hebron
23:03 Arab punctured tires of a car belonging to a Jew and sprayed graffiti near the Leonardo Hotel in Jerusalem.
23:02 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at vehicles at Hussan bypass road in Gush Etzion
22:58 Rocket fire, Arabs from Gaza fired rockets at Israeli communities. The rocket landed inside the Gaza Strip
22:51 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the neighborhood of Silwan in Jerusalem
22:46 Arabs set a fire near Post 670 near Yitzhar, from the village if Atzira
22:15 Dozens of Arab rioters in Ras al-Amud in Jerusalem
21:38 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at Shiva House in Beit Hanina in Jerusalem, damage reported
21:17 Arabs set off fireworks, threw Molotov cocktails and stones at Border Police Old City of Jerusalem
21:11 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the settlement of Efrat in Gush Etzion, damage reported
20:48 Arabs set fires in several locations in the settlement of Talmon in Binyamin
20:41 Arabs set fire to fence of Psagot
On Saturday dozens of Arabs rioted in Wadi Ara highway 65, blocked the road and threw stones at police
• Arabs rioted and set fire to tires on Highway 444 near Taibe Sharon
20:28 Arabs threw a bomb from the village Jalazun at Beit El’s fence
20:05 Arab rioting from the village of Jalazun
19:45 Arab prisoner lit a fire in a synagogue in Hasharon Prison. After clashes broke out between Jews and Arabs Prisoners
19:12 Arabs threw stones near the West Bank village of Beit Furik
18:23 Arabs threw stones near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion
17:30 Dozens of Arabs rioted rioted and threw stones at the Alon road near the village of Duma Benjamin. Arab report on the number of injured rioters instead
15:30 Dozens of Arabs rioted near the village G’izon and threw stones and firebombs at the Beit El settlement and at IDF forces in place
12:10 Dozens of Arabs rioted in Betunia
12:07 Dozens of Arabs rioted in Abu Dis
11:50 Two Arabs crossed over the fence along the Gaza border and were captured by IDF forces
10:20 A Border Policeman was lightly injured by stones thrown at him near the community of Aish Kodesh. Arab rioters began to set fire to the vineyards of the residents of the community
10:05 Arabs attacked residents of Aish Kodesh near the settlement of Shilo and threw stones at IDF forces
10:00 Arabs placed a bomb on a highway near Bethlehem. Bomb neutralized by sapper
9:45 Fishing boats sailing went beyond the approved area near the Gaza Strip, were turned back by IDF fire
8:32 Arabs rioted and threw stones in Hebron
7:00 Arabs set fire to a monument to Joseph Shuk near the settlement of Beit Haggai in the Hebron Hills, damage reported
Friday – July 31, 2015
00:20 Jew was lightly injured by stones in Beit Hanina in Jerusalem
00:00 Two police officers were slightly injured in riots by Arabs in Jerusalem Isiwiya
22:56 Arabs threw firebombs at Jewish buildings in the neighborhood of Beit Hanina in Jerusalem, damage reported
20:50 Arabs firebombed a courtyard on Meir Nakar street in Armon HaNatziv in East Talpiot in Jerusalem, damaged
20:45 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the border fence near the Gaza Strip. The IDF fired and one Gazan rioter injured. Arab media reports he was killed.
20:40 Arab approaching Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus compound, he was removed by the IDF
19:15 Arab threw a Molotov cocktail at an IDF outpost in Binyamin Atarot checkpoint was shot by the IDF and was transferred to a hospital in the city where, according to Arab reports, died of his wounds
18:48 Arabs took over a ridge in Itamar in Samaria, lit a fire and threw stones
18:35 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 443 near the Atarot
18:24 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at an IDF position near the settlement of Halamish in Binyamin. Fire broke out
18:02 Arabs rioted near the Beit Orot neighborhood in Jerusalem
17:45 Arabs threw stones at vehicles Hussan bypass road in Gush Etzion
17:41 Arabs from the village of Orif ignited near the settlement of Yitzhar in the Shomron
17:29 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection of Yakir in Samaria, damage reported
17:03 Arabs rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion
16:40 Arabs threw stones at IDF forces in the village of Anata, Benjamin
16:36 Arabs rioted in Hebron Hills’ village of Aida
15:46 Arabs set fire on the way up to Har Bracha in the Shomron
15:45 Arabs set fire to a fire at the southern entrance of Kiryat Arba
15:44 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at border police forces in Jerusalem Isiwiya
15:22 Dozens of Arab rioting in the village Nabi Saleh
15:20 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the village Jalazun and threw stones at the settlement of Beit El
15:13 Arabs threw stones at the bus line 966 near Katzrin, caused heavy damage
15:11 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the village of Killil in the Samaria and attacked IDF forces
14:26 Dozens of Arab rioters in Hebron
14:16 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Halhul, Hebron Hills
14:06 Arabs fireworks and stones at border policemen at Qalandiya
13:59 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the southern Hebron, and attacked IDF forces
13:45 A policeman was lightly injured by a glass bottle thrown at him near the Huta gate in the Old City of Jerusalem
12:56 A shooting attack Arabs fired at vehicles near the town of Kochav Hashachar. The car was damaged but no injuries were reported. The driver returned fire.
11:39 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection of Azun in the Shomron, damage reported
10:55 Arabs hurled stones at vehicles on the road up to Har Bracha

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