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Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to wipe out all members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, also known as the PKK terrorist organization, “until not one terrorist remains.”

Erdogan has, railed against Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for launching a counter terror war against Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization to silence the ceaseless rocket fire and end the numerous other terror attacks on Israeli civilians.


During last summer’s Operation Protective Edge, Erdogan lashed out against Israelis in general, in fact, saying in a speech in mid-July, [They] “have no conscience, no honor, no pride… Those who condemn Hitler – day and night – have surpassed Hitler in barbarism.”

A day earlier, in a separate speech, he said, “World leaders are making weird statements. They say Israel is using its right of self-defense. What kind of a self-defense is this that it is only the Palestinians to die? It is all a game. We face a new Crusader alliance.”

All this, in response to an Israeli government decision authorizing air strikes on Hamas terrorist targets – such as rocket launching sites and weapons factories – deliberately located next to and sometimes inside Gaza hospitals, clinics, schools and homes.

Nevertheless, Erdogan has no problem vowing to slaughter Kurdish terrorists in Turkey.

“We will continue our fight until weapons are laid down,” Erdogan vowed Tuesday (Aug. 11) in a televised speech delivered in Ankara, “and not one single terrorist remains within our borders,” the AFP news agency quoted him as saying.

He added that during the past two weeks in which the Turkish Air Force had been conducting air strikes against the PKK, “serious losses” had already been inflicted on the terrorist organization.

Nine people died Monday (Aug. 10) in a day-long series of terror attacks in Istanbul that began with a suicide bombing at a police station in Turkey’s largest city, and was followed shortly after by a shootout outside the U.S. Consulate. A Marxist group later took responsibility for the attacks.

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Rachel Levy is a freelance journalist who has written for Jewish publications in New York, New Jersey and Israel.