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James Abourezk, former South Dakota politician behind anti-Israel Alison Weir's appearances in South Dakota

Alison Weir is an infamous Israel hater.  She started an organization called, “If Americans Knew,” which claims to provide critical information which – if only Americans knew it – would mean the end of poor little America being manipulated by the evil Israelis into supporting the “ZioNazi” Jewish State.

It is through this organization that the Democrats in Sioux Falls, South Dakota have invited her to break bread with them next week.


Weir seeks to help good Americans “act in accordance with morality, justice and the best interests of the nation, and of the world.”  But, her website explains, until Americans know Alison’s Truth, “they may do the precise opposite.”

The site then goes on to explain the evils Americans are driven to – via their extorted billions of dollars sent to Israel – and…that’s it.  The sole focus of Weir’s campaign is to spread the WeirTruth about Israel.  There is no other evil in this world, it is only the Jewish State that is responsible for destroying the soul of America.

The kind of information that Weir offers to her gullible audience is built on visions of Israeli ethnic cleansing and brutality towards Arabs.

Perhaps her most noxious published assertions is that the Israeli Defense Forces harvest body organs from Arab Palestinians. In her article, Weir relies primarily on a discredited article in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

Weir took the Swedish article as a springboard and did several fantasy backflips and curlicues before landing:

testimony and circumstantial evidence indicating that Israelis may have been harvesting internal organs from Palestinian prisoners without consent for many years.

Worse yet, some of the information reported in the article suggests that in some instances Palestinians may have been captured with this macabre purpose in mind.

The families of the alleged victims in the Swedish paper disavowed the gruesome claims made in the article, and medical experts unanimously explained that the claims and the descriptions of the “organ theft” in the article were medically impossible. And, not to belabor the point, but Donald Boström, the author of the Aftonbladet article, admitted he never verified any of the claims.

Perhaps it should be unnecessary to provide more reasons why people should question any legitimate political party breaking bread  with someone like Weir, but there are so many more examples.

For one, Weir was a stalwart defender of Helen Thomas throughout the scandal of Thomas expressing, publicly, her rank anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  As with so many haters of Israel, the first and last shriek when called on offensive and false statements about Israel is to belittle the label “anti-Semite” and try to tar the critics with knee-jerk hysteria.

For another, Weir distorted and misrepresented the Mavi Marmara flotilla pirates’ May, 2010 attack on IDF soldiers in the infamous as one in which “Israeli commandos killed at least nine unarmed volunteers attempting to take humanitarian supplies to Gaza,” ignoring entirely the immediately preceding brutal assaults on the unarmed Israeli soldiers who boarded the ship which was violating international law.


So who is bringing Weir to the fair state of South Dakota?  It appears to be none other than former South Dakota senator and congressman James Abourezk.  This Lebanese Christian former politician is one of the co-founders of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.  He is also the vice-chairman of the Council for the National Interest, another organization, like Weir’s  If Americans Knew, whose sole focus is to rupture the American-Israel relationship.  Both seek to accomplish that goal by insinuating that Israel (or, more accurately, the Israel Lobby) holds the U.S. in a financial stranglehold and it is in America’s “national interest” to cut free of Israel’s rapacious tentacles.

As one of CNI’s board members and authors, Abourezk has written extensively, and always unflatteringly, about the “Israel Lobby.” Perhaps the article in which he most brazenly reveals himself is one he wrote for CNI less than two years ago, “Palling Around with Terrorists.”

In that article, Abourezk brags about “hanging out with Khaled Mishaal,” the head of the terrorist Hamas organization, and alludes to his relationship with Yasir Arafat.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]