Hundreds of Ramallah Arabs on Monday afternoon protested the brutality of Palestinian Authority security forces, who on Sunday attacked protesters at an anti-PA demonstration, also in Ramallah, Ma’an reported.

Sunday’s demonstrators rallied in front of the local Magistrate’s Court during a hearing of a case against five Arab activists charged with weapons possession and planning an attack on Israel. Four of the accused are currently in Israeli prison and one, Basel al-Araj, was shot dead by Israeli forces last week. Dozens of people were reported injured Sunday, when PA security forces used batons, sound and gas bombs and tasers to break up the demonstration.


Monday’s rally was organized via Facebook, in a message calling on the public to partake “in protest of the behavior of PA security forces,” Ma’an reported. Demonstrators shouted slogans against police brutality, demanding punishment for police officers who assaulted protesters and journalists. Protesters also chanted slogans against the “peace-process,” and support for an “armed revolution.”

Protesters held up signs accusing PA forces of working as Israeli “spies” and criticizing the PA for “handing over” Arab terrorists to Israel.

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