Photo Credit: IDF
Hamas tunnel under construction

Israeli military forces have neutralized another Hamas terrorist attack tunnel Thursday, one that was discovered several months ago.


The new tunnel originated in central Gaza, infiltrating 200 meters (656 feet) into Israeli territory from the Khan Younis area, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Office.

Basic utility infrastructure had already been installed in the tunnel: electricity had already been hooked up, and it was connected to several communications networks.

Hamas attack tunnel, electrical and communications infrastructure already installed

Hamas has changed its methods of construction and is using different building materials, from the looks of the new tunnel, the IDF Spokesperson said.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Office said that the terrorist tunnel was being monitored until it was neutralized today.

Map of Hamas tunnel reaching from Khan Younis into Israeli territory, with branches leading to other attack tunnels

The tunnel has been expanded in several places, excavated from several excavation workshops, and combined with various methods of construction, the IDF said.

“The technological capabilities of the IDF are improving all the time and will continue to progress in identifying the tunnels and continuing to neutralize them. At the same time, the construction of the underground barrier continues,” the spokesperson added.

The tunnel was neutralized by an engineering operation in the territory of the State of Israel, led by the Southern Command, the Intelligence Directorate, and the MAPA.

Numerous other tunnels have been neutralized between Oct. 2017 and Oct. 2018

Since October 2017, 15 tunnels in the Gaza Strip have been neutralized.

“The Hamas terrorist organization continues to invest considerable resources in establishing infrastructures aimed at harming Israeli citizens,” the IDF Spokesperson said.

“This economic investment, which comes at the expense of the welfare of the residents, proves its exploitation of the population in Gaza for terrorist purposes.

“The IDF is determined to continue to defend Israel’s sovereignty and the security of its citizens and will act decisively against terrorism.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.