Abbas’ Gift to US: A ‘Childish” Portrait of Obama and Lincoln

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas gave visiting President Barack Obama a portrait of his guest with Abraham Lincoln, the quality of which was panned...

Report: The PA Uses Alternative Land Registry to Claim Half of Judea and Samaria

Showing far more resilience and decisiveness than his lethargic Israeli officials, Sharaka has recently obtained the Turkish Kushan-land ownership archive.

Live Blog: Israel Battles #PyroTerrorism: Friday, Nov. 25, Latest Update: 3:59 PM is blogging the efforts of Israel's firefighters and security personnel battling pyroterrorists.

Netanyahu Government Turns Blind Eye as Trump’s Deal Spurs Arab Race to Build in...

The residents of Kfar Nahlin, located in Area B and bounded by a natural river channel, a few months ago began to seize land outside the village – in Area C

IDF Reserve Officer Succumbs to Wounds from Gush Etzion Junction Terror Attack

The IDF reservist succumbed to his wounds just a few hours after fighting a terrorist at the Gush Etzion Junction.

Watch: PA Security Officer Killed After Attacking IDF Soldiers

The Palestinian Authority terrorist opened fire on Golani soldiers. That was the last thing he did.

Private TV Crew Catches Arab Rock-Throwers in the Act [video]

Video cameras instead of rifles might make roads safer against rock-throwers.

White House Launches Campaign to Whitewash Marwan Barghouti

Starting in 2014, Barghouti has been calling for Ramallah to sever its security cooperation with Israel and for a third intifada.

Putin Recruiting ‘Palestinians’ from Lebanon to Fight Ukraine for Russia

The Palestinian Authority embassy in Beirut is coordinating the recruiting.

Armed Gazan Caught Infiltrating Israel, But Motive Was Unclear

An armed Palestinian Authority Arab was caught by IDF soldiers overnight after he infiltrated into Israeli territory from southern Gaza. His motives were unclear.

IDF Cites Incitement, Arab Video Displays Pallywood ‘Bull’ in Full [video]

The IDF increased forces in Hebron but attacks took place elsewhere, while Arab videos perpetrate lies.

Anti-Semitic, Pro-Terror Cartoons on UNRWA School Facebook Page

UNRWA again makes headlines with anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist incitement against Israelis and Jews.

Defense Officials: Tel Aviv Residents ‘Not Ready’

Defense officials express concern that Israelis are not taking the missile attacks seriously, and taking cover, in Tel Aviv.

The Scoop: Netanyahu, King Abdullah Secret Talks Aim at Neutralizing Kerry

The immediate outcome of the meeting is another devaluation of the chances of Kerry coming up with a comprehensive plan.

US Court Imposes Mere $10M Bond on PLO and PA in Terrorism Case

Judge sets relatively low bond for PA and PLO in terrorism case after US govt asked that it not be too onerous.

A Slap in Abbas’ Face as US Eliminates Eastern Jerusalem Consulate for PA Residents

Meanwhile, President Trump had sent a personal envoy to Chairman Abbas, behind Kushner's and Greenblatt's backs: Ronald Lauder, heir to the Estée Lauder Companies and president of the World Jewish Congress.

Report: UK Pays Millions to Known Terrorists

Amjad Awad, who murdered Ehud and Ruth Fogel and their three children in 2011, has received an estimated £16,000 ($22,600) from the fund so far.

Arab League Says ‘Yes’ to Digging New Grave for Kerry’s Peace Talks

The Arab League has finished digging the grave, and Abbas is walking Kerry to the cemetery.

Rioting Arab Shot Dead, 45 Injured in Refugee Camp Riot

The Egoz Reconnaissance Unit operation is expected to last 24 hours, as soldiers are searching for weapons and handing out subpoenas for security interrogations.

State Dept. Not Huge Fans of Netanyahu Video on Peace and ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ [video]

On Friday, DOS Press Director Elizabeth Trudeau rebutted Netanyahu's accusation, although a careful reading of her attack on the PM reveals she didn't really answer his main argument.

Incendiary Balloon Reaches Rosh Tzurim, Jewish Community in Heart of Gush Etzion

It's not yet clear where the terrorist cell behind the balloon launch was based, since Gush Etzion is quite a distance from Gaza.

Kushner Blames Abbas for Wave of Violence, Says Chairman Is Jealous

Don't take back the annexation of Jewish communities who are treated as second class citizens by their own government, Jared Kushner. Take back your peace plan.

PA Pulls Out ‘War Crime’ Threat if Direct Talks Don’t Resume

Decline and Fall of the ‘Peace Process’, Chapter 2,543: If Israel does not agree to PA unconditional conditions for non-negotiated negotiations for a PA state, it will charge Israel with war crimes.

Swastika Over Hebron

As of 11:15 AM Israel time, the Nazi flag is still up there.

Israel Deports Two Turks After Provocations at Temple Mount

The two Turkish tourists who were deported entered Israel on Belgian passports; details on the third man were unavailable.

Can Biden Renew Foreign Aid to Palestinian Authority While Still Adhering to Taylor Force...

“Sympathizers in the Democratic Party are trying to convince the Palestinians to make changes in the law so salaries will be based on economic conditions and not just on terrorism,” said Yossi Kuperwasser, a senior intelligence and security expert at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

Ilhan Omar Urges Biden to Annul Israel-UAE Peace, Drop Saudi Arabia, Push Palestinian State

To which one follower replied: "Tell Palestinians to stop lobbing rockets and maybe it could work."


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