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Dijon-Cilantro Tuna Salad on Whole Grain Bread.

According to the National Police of Ukraine, about 50,000 Hasidic pilgrims are expected to arrive in Uman in a few days to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Ukrainian Interfax news agency reported last week, citing Police Commissioner Ihor Klymenko who spoke at a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Michael Brodsky.

But according to Hamodia, a large group of Chassidim of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Boro Park who returned to New York on Tuesday after a stop in Uman have been hospitalized with food poisoning.


The probable culprits are the tuna sandwiches the young Chassidim consumed on the flight, resulting in one of them being transported to the hospital immediately after landing.

According to Hamodia, an estimated 22 other Vizhnitzers were transported by bus to a Hatzalah garage at 14th Avenue and 37th Street in Boro Park, where they were picked up and taken to hospital by ambulances of the Hatzalah branches of Boro Park, Crown Heights, Williamsburg, and Flatbush. Another 16 were later treated in Monsey, Kiryas Joel, and the Catskills.

They’re all expected to come out of the ordeal in good health, God willing.

Commissioner Klymenko told the Israeli ambassador that “our main task is to make the guests feel safe. We have full interaction with the Israeli police officers who serve with us in Uman. We will react very quickly and in a timely manner to all events that occur. The National Police and the police of Cherkasy region are now on an enhanced version of the service.”

Also, watch the tuna!

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