Photo Credit: Arie Leib Abrams / Flash 90
Israel Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan blasted the world body’s inaccurate reporting on Israeli casualties and injuries resulting from Palestinian Authority terrorist attacks.

During his remarks to the UN Security Council’s regular meeting on the “situation in the Middle East,” Erdan attacked the lies presented before the body by Palestinian Authority representatives.


“Over and over again, we have heard how the past year has been the deadliest year for the Palestinians … Yet these numbers and statistics are not facts. Not even close. They are based on a fundamentally flawed and biased methodology. A methodology of discrimination, which Israel refuses to accept,” Erdan said.

“Let me explain what I mean,” he went on.

“In his letter yesterday, the Palestinian Representative told the story, for example, about Hamdi Shaker Abu Dayah. How Hamdi was supposedly shot and killed in cold blood. Yet what my colleague forgot to mention, was that Hamdi, a terrorist that Hamas posthumously glorified, was an imminent threat. Hamdi was actively shooting at soldiers in the moments that he was killed, and this occurred only one day after he opened fire at an Israeli bus.

“The vast majority of Palestinian fatalities and casualties are not innocent civilians minding their own business, they are terrorists neutralized in the midst of acts of violence,” Erdan emphasized.

According to the UN report presented at the forum, just 20 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian Authority-backed terrorists in 2022. In reality, said Erdan, 31 Israelis were murdered — and the disparity in the numbers is the same for reported injuries.

“The UN number for injured Israelis is 253, whereas the true number is 418,” Erdan pointed out. “The discrepancy between the reports and the facts are in the hundreds.

“Israeli deaths and injuries apparently do not matter; This may have been the deadliest year for Palestinian terrorists, but it was also the year with the most terror attacks committed against Israelis in a decade.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.