Photo Credit: GPO via Pikiwiki
Yemenite immigrants arriving in Israel, Aug. 26, 1950

Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations launched a unique exhibition Tuesday at UN headquarters to publicize the “Jewish Nakba,” the expulsion of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran.

The exhibition was held Tuesday, one day before the UN’s “Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from Arab Countries and Iran”.


The exhibition was launched as part of Israel Ambassador Gilad Erdan’s fight against the false narrative that the United Nations is promoting on the subject.

It included historical documentation that illustrates the lives of the Jews in Arab countries and Iran and their tremendous history, which was cut short following the UN Partition Plan in which a Jewish and an Arab state were voted upon.

The day after the UN decision, Arab countries began to expel the Jews with violence and brutality, and hundreds of thousands were forced to flee, leaving their lives behind.

“For 75 years now here in the UN, a completely false story has been told about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Erdan said.

“Since the Partition Plan, which the Arabs rejected and the State of Israel accepted, the story of the Palestinian Nakba has been told here at the UN — a story that erases the real Nakba that occurred immediately after the announcement of the Partition Plan: the story of the Nakba of Arab Jewry.

One day after the decision on the Partition Plan, the Jews were violently and cruelly expelled from Arab countries and Iran, Erdan noted.

“This year, after a long struggle, we managed to place an exhibition with photos that document the story of the real Nakba,” he said, adding that he will “continue to fight for the truth and against the false narrative that the Palestinians and their supporters spread.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.