Photo Credit: MDA Spokesperson
A special ambulance transported families from Bnei Brak to be tested for the coronavirus, April 1, 2020.

A 72-year-old man died Wednesday night at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv after testing positive for the coronavirus. The hospital reported that the deceased had come in with many background illnesses and was hospitalized for a week. His death brings the toll in Israel to 31. To date, 6,211 Israelis tested positive for COVID-19, 107 of whom are in critical condition and 83 are on respirators. 289 have recovered.

Approximately 8,000 tests for the coronavirus were run on Wednesday by MDA teams around the country. More than 5,000 people showed up at MDA and the Health Ministry’s Drive Through testing facilities. According to MDA Director General Eli Bin, approximately 1,200 people were tested in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem about 880, in Haifa about 1,100, and in Beer Sheba about 650. 160 tests were administered in Bnei Brak, Modi’in 567, Ashdod 459, and 180 at the Bedouin city Rahat mobile facility.


On Thursday, in addition the permanent facilities in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Beer Sheba, the mobile Drive Through facilities will continue operating in Bnei Brak, Modi’in and Rahat. Other mobile facilities will reach Ashkelon, Tira, Kafr Qasim and eastern Jerusalem on Friday.

In New York State, as of Wednesday night, there have been 83,712 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, of which 47,439 were in New York City. As of Wednesday, 1,941 people with COVID-19 have died in NY state, about 40% of all the virus-related deaths in the United States. There are now 22,255 cases in New Jersey, with 355 deaths, and 3,557 cases in Connecticut, with 85 deaths.

More than 190,000 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed across the 50 states, Washington, DC, and three US territories. At least 4,310 people have died from the virus in the country.

There are 937,170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world. 47,267 people have died. 195,143 have recovered.

No new cases were reported as of Thursday morning in Italy, Spain, China, Germany, France, Iran, the UK, Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada and Portugal.

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