Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg / Flash 90
Leftist demonstrators blocked the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv and attacked police officers who tried to block them, February 25, 2023.

The behind-the-scenes organizers of the anarchy taking place on Israel’s streets for the past nine weeks – and more specifically, last week’s so-called Day of Disruptions – are now aiming at Israelis and tourists entering and leaving the country.

In the wake of last week’s traffic slowdowns that shut down numerous main arteries around Israel’s largest cities, organizers have now set their sites on the country’s main port of entry: Ben Gurion International Airport.


Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters blocked Tel Aviv’s main artery — the Ayalon Highway — on February 25, 2023, and fought with police who tried to stop them.

This week’s plan is also guaranteed to upset many Israelis — but also many travelers and probably some airline crews as well, who will likely be delayed for their flights as a result.

What a bright idea — to get everyone angry at you for disrupting their lives over a government plan supported by 78 percent of the population according to a Direct Polls survey.

Direct Polls: 78% of Israelis Support Judicial Reform

The fact is, the judicial reform planned by the government will bring Israel’s judicial system closer in line with that of the strongest democracy on earth: the United States.

But organizers haven’t let facts stop them from trying to convince the rest of the country that Israeli democracy is facing Armageddon.

Moreover, the organizers clearly have generous funding from somewhere for this propaganda. They are offering NIS 250 a head for Israelis to “come and shut down Ben Gurion Airport,” adding “you’ll get 250 shekels plus gasoline.”

The invitation, which was posted on Facebook, reads:

“This Thursday at 9 am we’re all going to Ben Gurion Airport with cars arriving from all over the country.

“We’ll be using a simple tactic: Driving around slowly between the entrance to the airport and Terminal 3, and then back again over and over again.

“The more cars there are, the bigger the impact at the airport for more hours.

“The idea is to enjoy a slow drive around the airport. Bring music, podcasts,” the organizers suggest. “Join the group and bring your friends! Use all of your power in all of your [social media] groups.

Prospective traffic anarchists are also warned that “Anyone who doesn’t coordinate with the organizers will not be paid.”

Those who are willing to waste a day, help destroy the nation’s tourism industry, and participate in targeted anarchy, are advised to “send your full name and make of vehicle to the organizers so we can register you and ensure that you’re paid.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.