120 New Young Jewish Men at Colel Chabad’s Western Wall Bar Mitzvah

“We are in the year of Hakhel, the Jewish year specifically calling for us to gather together, and there is no more important time for this to happen than today, with all that is going on in Israel.”

Trump Attacks Jewish Reporter on Question About Anti-Semitism, Racism

"Let me just tell you something - that I hate the charge. I find it repulsive. I hate even the question..."

In Strongest Showing, Trump Fails to Bridge Gap with Women

Trump's view on third-trimester abortion conflicts with mainstream Jewish halakha.

Bar-Ilan Debuts Free MOOCs Including Physics in Arabic

Genomics and Biomedical Informatics (GaBI), Physics, and Jewish Art.

Tel Aviv School Bans Students’ New Year’s Santa Claus Hats

Some Russian-descent students just don’t understand that Israel is a Jewish state, Mahmoud Abbas notwithstanding.

UK Allowing Neo-Nazi March on London’s Jews in Golders Green

Britain is allowing a neo-Nazi march on Golders Green, a Jewish section of London, on July 4.

Israeli Couple Bringing In Patriarch Jacob’s Biblical Sheep from Canada

A couple wants to reintroduce the ancient species of Jacob sheep in Israel.

President Rivlin’s Message to American Jewry After Charlottesville

"In the face of such evil, we stand now as we did then. With faith... As we say, 'be strong.'

Tens of Thousands Rejoice in Lag B’Omer Celebration at Rashbi’s Tomb on Mt. Meron...

Thousands upon thousands of Jews celebrated Lag B'Omer at the Tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai with song and dance and heartfelt prayer.

European Jewish Congress Calls for France to Root out ‘Societal Anti-Semitism’

“We appreciate the important words of the French Government... However, it doesn’t appear that much has changed on the ground for French Jews, who are still regularly attacked."

Israeli Mother Going to Supreme Court over Son’s Circumcision

A mother in Israel has appealed to the country’s Supreme Court a rabbinical court ruling requiring her to circumcise her son. In her appeal filed...

1,700-Year-Old Gravestones of Unknown Rabbis Uncovered in Northern Israel

More evidence of ancient Jewish presence in the Land of Israel: 1,700-year-old gravestones uncovered.

Fake History: UNESCO to Vote on Israel’s Sovereign Right to Jerusalem – on Israel’s...

"Such absurd and historically baseless resolutions undermine UNESCO's mission of safeguarding humanity's cultural heritage."

Columbia U Rates ‘Worst US College for Campus Anti-Semitism’

In a poll on anti-Semitic incidents on campus, Columbia University has rated as the worst for US Jewish students in 2016.

Thousands to Celebrate Shabbat Chayei Sarah in Hebron

Tomorrow, together with literally tens of thousands here in Hebron and Kiryat Arba, we will read in the Torah how Abraham, almost 4,000 years ago, purchased the Caves of Machpela for us, his children.

A Week of Intifada Miracles in the State of Israel

Despite the rising number of deadly terror attacks, there have been miracles this past week as well.

Liberal Orthodox Yeshiva Catching Flack for Refusing to Ordain Openly Gay Student

Our halacha is not more concerned with whether or not to ordain an "openly gay" man as rabbi than it is with an "openly thieving" man, or "openly driving on Shabbat" man, or "openly eating pork" man – you get the point.

‘Driving’ Cancer Away with a Smile and a Cup of Joe

It’s an emotionally grinding drill that was all too familiar to Arele and David Weingarten, when their mother, Miriam succumbed to the disease after prolonged cancer treatment.

Mother and Fighter for Religious Tolerance Quits Beit Shemesh

The Los Angeles-born woman, whose daughter was spat on by extreme Haredim in Beit Shemesh, has given up her fight for religious tolerance and leaves the city , but she blames modern orthodox Jews.

Watch: The White House Kitchen is ‘Kosherized’ for A Hanukkah Party [video]

Rabbi Levi Shemtov says he is privileged to supervise the "kosherizing" of the most important kitchen in the USA.

Swastikas, Racial Slurs Spray-Painted on Cars, Playground & Overpasses in Orchard Park, New York

"Some of the slurs that were painted may upgrade the charges to some form of a hate crime, but that's further down the road," police said.

Apology from JCC Bomb Caller’s Father

Emphasizing "there was no hatred" behind the calls, the boy's father said it was the "illness" that pushed him.

Rabbi Sternbuch: E-Cigarettes Require Kosher Supervision

The ruling is sure to alter the lifestyle of many religious smokers.

Swedish County Eyeing Ban on Circumcision

A county in Sweden is moving ahead with plans to ban the non-medical circumcision of boys, its leading elected official said. Per-Ola Mattsson, the commissioner...

New Zealand Anti-Semite Attacks Jewish Toddler

In New Zealand a Jewish toddler wearing a yarmulka is attacked; the adults consider teaching their young to hide their identity.

Court to Rule If Jerusalem’s ’Cinema City’ Can Violate the Sabbath

If there is such a thing as religious coercion, there also is secular coercion.

Suspected Murderer of Rabbi Joseph Raksin, z’l, Arrested in Miami, FL

This Chanukah the family of Rabbi Joseph Raksin, z'l, merits the miracle of closure; an arrest in the rabbi's murder.

Chassidic New Year’s Celebrations Cheer Up Israel, Cities Around the World

Jews are gathering at Chabad-led "farbrengens" in Israel and around the world to celebrate the Chassidic New Year, "Yud Tes Kislev."

Israelis Stepping Up on Behalf of Syria

People formed a human chain in Tel Aviv from the US Embassy to the Russian Embassy to call for an end to slaughter in Syria.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/chabad-2/120-new-young-jewish-men-at-colel-chabads-western-wall-bar-mitzvah/2023/03/28/

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