Syria Ceasefire Faltering as Assad Regime Reneges on Deal at Aleppo

Eighty thousand Aleppo residents starve as their fate is determined by which side blinks first in a game of chicken played in a ceasefire.

The FBI Wants You! To Help it Identify Terrorists

The FBI is hoping viewers will recognize and help identify an ISIS terrorist with a North American accent.

Breaking News: Russia Gives Green Light for Air Strikes in Syria

A Federation Council resolution makes it more possible for Russia to carry out air strikes in Syria to defend Assad. Syria demands US remove its planes.

Terror Alerts Highest in France, Raised Around the World

Security personnel are on their highest level in France; the terror threat is rising globally too.

Fearing Iranian Expansion Dr. Kissinger Warns Against Destroying ISIS

"In these circumstances, the traditional adage that the enemy of your enemy can be regarded as your friend no longer applies," writes Kissinger. "In the contemporary Middle East, the enemy of your enemy may also be your enemy."

Pentagon Confirms American Soldier Killed by ISIS in Northern Iraq

The U.S. Department of Defense confirms an American soldier was shot and killed by ISIS terrorists in northern Iraq near Mosul.

Egypt Questions Hamas Over Missing Israelis in Gaza

Egyptian authorities questioned a Hamas delegation to Cairo about four Israelis who are still missing in Gaza.

U.S. Troops Fighting ISIS? Where The GOP Candidates Stand

Graham said GOP rival “Jeb Bush is a fine man, but his plan to destroy ISIL doesn’t have a ground component.”

1 Israeli Victim Identified in Istanbul Terror Attack

Three Israelis were confirmed dead along with a fourth tourist after a suicide bombing attack in Istanbul.

Israeli-Arab Woman Who Tried to Join ISIS Sentenced to 22 Months in Prison

The 44-year-old teacher had no criminal record, but she had been disseminating ISIS updates on Facebook and Twitter.

US Says ISIS Video of Kassig Execution Likely Authentic

US intelligence officials say the ISIS execution video of American aid worker Peter Kassig is authentic.

ISIS Slaughters Egyptian Soldiers at Sinai Base Near Israel’s Border

The site of the attack was quite far from Islamic State's usual attack zone -- and quite close to Israel's southern border with Sinai.

Amidror: Israel Should Help Jordan Againt ISIS if Asked

Former Israel National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror said that if Jordan asks for help against ISIS, Israel should help them, during an interview on...

London Mayor: ‘My Heart Goes Out to Those Who Lost Loved Ones’ [video]

Mayor Sadiq Khan said his thoughts were with the family of the police officer who was murdered.

Iran Pre-Purim Stunt: Israel Trains ISIS Terrorists in Sinai

This is not satire and not a Purim joke. It is courtesy of the Iranian regime's Fars [read: Farce] News Agency.

Netanyahu Adds Russia to Regional Discussions on Syria

Israel's PM Netanyahu is set to travel to Moscow next week to discuss the impact of Syria's crisis on Israel and the region.

European Union: ISIS Has Chemical and Biological Weapons

Israeli experts confirm ISIS is armed with chemical weapons and add it is a de facto state, with its own license plates and gold coins.

Israel Will Revoke Citizenship of Arab ‘Paraglider’ – If He Returns

Netanyahu will revoke the citizenship of those who join the enemy, but not all enemies.

Senators Boxer, Ernst, Move to Arm Kurds Against ISIS

The legislation would provide assistance for a three-year period, eliminating delays in bolstering the regional forces fighting against ISIS.

Egypt vs. ISIS: Victory or Death

IDF okays Egypt's heavy arms in Sinai. Al-Sisi claims it is in total control over the Sinai.

Who is Really Inciting the Terrorism?

The "silent" intifada is roaring at the gates, Harriet, and threatening to bash the door in. It's silent no more. Who's really inciting terrorism?

ISIS Executes 7-Year-Old Boy for “Blasphemy”

The Islamic State's Sharia court murdered the little boy in front of his parents.

Former ISIS Sex Slaves Receive Sakharov Prize

Sakharov's life inspired several prizes named after him. He worked with his Jewish wife, Yelena Bonner (1923 –2011), who wrote frequently on Russia and human rights.

Jordan Bombs ISIS while US Debates

Americans are so paralyzed by dumb and useless wars that they can't move when they have to.

Bennett: Don’t Take Eye Off Iran In Fight With ISIS

"The answer is not to give Iran additional tools to fight ISIS now as this would serve Iran’s ultimate goal of building a Shi'ite corridor from Tehran to the Mediterranean Coast."

Druze Block IDF Ambulance with Syrian Patient

Israeli Druze attack an IDF ambulance carrying a Syrian patient.

UN Report: ISIS Still Commands 30,000 Fighters, Many Near Israel’s Border

Only two weeks ago, the IDF attacked and destroyed a squad of seven ISIS soldiers who crossed into the Golan Heights from Syria.

Palmyra ‘Arch of Triumph’ Latest Casualty of ISIS

A third archaeological treasure at Palmyra in Syria has been destroyed by ISIS: the Arch of Triumph.

Israel Killed Hundreds of ISIS Terrorists, Says Former Army Chief of Staff

Gadi Eisenkot said that Jerusalem was asked to act by an unspecified third party, and that the activity spanned “many more than one country.”


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