Pentagon Says War against ISIS ‘To Take a Long time”

The war against the Islamic State (ISIS) is not going to be solved with a few aerial bombing raids but “is going to take...

A Bad Day for Hezbollah and ISIS [video]

ISIS forces took control of strategic position in the city of Al-Qusayr killing dozens of Hezbollah terrorists.

Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance to ISIS

The Nigerian terrorists have caught more headlines, but ISIS may - or may not - not be interested,

Jews Are Leaving France: 10,000 to Arrive in Israel in 2015

French Jewry is the largest new immigrant wave to Israel; figures more than doubled in 2014 and 10,000 new immigrants are expected in 2015.

Sisi: ‘Muslim Brotherhood is the Origin of all Islamic Extremism’

Egypt's Sisi calls the Muslim Brotherhood the progenitor of modern Islamic extremism.

Report: Coalition Forces Kill 10 Civilians in Syria

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that coalition forces killed 10 civilians in air strikes.

Druze Memorial Defaced with ISIS Graffiti

Someone spray painted "ISIS" in Arabic on a memorial for fallen Druse soldiers up north.

Netanyahu, Trump Condemn Manchester Attack, Express Solidarity With UK

“I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term, Pres. Trump said. They would think that’s a great name. They are losers, just remember that."

Netanyahu Tells UK Israel is ‘Beacon of Democracy’

The Islamic Republic is trying to establish a permanent military presence it Syria, along Israel's northern border, Netanyahu warned.

IDF Retaliates over ISIS Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip, Fourth in Recent Weeks

In response, the IAF targeted four Hamas terror sites in the Gaza Strip.

Senior ISIS Leader Killed by US Forces in Syria, US Soldiers, K-9 Wounded

Al-Homsi detonated an explosive device when the special operations team arrived, killing himself and wounding the troops.

Turkey Approves Military Action in Iraq, Syria

The Turkish Parliament has authorized its nations leaders to send troops into battle in Syria and Iraq.

Beware! Beheading Becoming New Fashion for Jihad Terrorists

The Islamic State has started a fashion trend among Middle East jihadists; beheading is rapidly becoming the murder method of choice.

EU Receives Warning ISIS Infiltrating Among Migrants

The EU is warned that terrorists infiltrating among migrants via the Mediterranean Sea.

French Police to Get Stronger Firepower, Counter Terror Forces

France will soon equip its police force with “stronger weapons” and hire 2,600 more counter terrorist forces, after the Paris attacks.

2 ISIS Terrorists Killed by Egyptian Security in Sinai

Two ISIS terrorists are dead and a third wounded by Egyptian security personnel in Sinai.

The Final Thoughts of Osama Bin Laden: Declassified Documents Revealed

Newly released documents from Osama Bin Laden's hideout show he was trying to create more structure in Al Qaeda.

1 American Killed in Effort to Rescue Iraqi ISIS Hostages

First American fatality in Iraq since U.S. withdrawal in joint U.S.-Kurd rescue operation of ISIS prisoners.

Israeli Arab Teen, 15, Shot and Killed at Israeli-Egyptian Border [Updated]

Gunshots were heard along the Israeli-Egyptian border, and an Israeli Arab teen has been killed.

Erdogan to Quit If Putin Proves Claim Turkey Imports Oil From ISIS

Turkey's Pres. Erdogan vows to resign his post if Russia's Pres. Putin can prove his claim that Ankara is importing oil from the ISIS terror group.

Giant Chabad Menorah Lit Without Ceremony in Martin Place, Sydney

The annual Giant Chabad Menorah was lit without a ceremony this year in Martin Place, Sydney.

Lebanese Army Soldiers Defect to Syrian Rebels

Lebanon is concerned after a number of soldiers defected to join ISIS and the Syrian rebels.

US Pres. Trump Pledges to Back Egypt’s Pres. El-Sisi

"We'll fight terrorism and 'other things.' We're gonna be friends for a long, long period of time."

Obama Takes America to War in Iraq & Syria, Against ISIS

US President Barack Obama says America is going to war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria -- but "no boots on the ground."

Netanyahu Tells Israelis Military Challenges Due to Iran Are ‘Piling Up’

PM Netanyahu warns Israelis the rising risks of Iranian proxy attacks are "piling up," as the US hurtles towards a "bad deal" with Tehran.

Israel ‘Assumes Reconciliation to Continue’ With Turkey

"There must be a unified approach of condemnation and war on this terrorism," Netanyahu underlines.

Report: ISIS ‘Caliph’ Baghdadi Fled Iraq in Yellow Taxi

Baghdadi "insisted on taking a yellow cab in order not to leave doubts that his was a civilian vehicle.”

Israel’s UN Ambassador Calls Sexual Violence ‘Crime against Humanity’ [video]

"Sexual violence in conflict has become a weapon of choice because it is cheap, silent and effective."

Senate Calls on Trump to Stay in Syria

The bill was rushed in just before President Trump’s State of the Union address, in which he insisted on his plan to withdraw US troops from Syria and Afghanistan.


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