Senators Across the Aisle Draft Anti-Turkey Sanctions

Graham believes there would be more than enough votes to override a presidential veto: "Who the hell supports Erdogan over the Kurds?"

Iran Attacks US Consulate in Kurdistan, Claims Target Was Mossad Base

“Two bases of the Israeli Intelligence and Special Operations Organization (Mossad) in the city of Erbil in the Iraqi Kurdistan region were targeted by missiles.”

It Takes a Woman to Help the US Fight ISIS (Video)

One woman fighter is enough to scare away 72 virgins.

Female IDF Veteran Goes to Help Kurdish Fighters

A female IDF veteran born in Canada is traveling to help Kurdish fighters in northern Syria.

Another US-Russian Ceasefire Deal for Syria, Again

Russia and the United States have agreed to work together to impose a cease-fire in Syria, again. Almost no one believes it will last: even their own allies.

France Says Call Terror Group ‘Da’esh’ – Not ‘Islamic State’

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius urges people to stop referring to terrorists calling themselves ‘Islamic State’ by their self-chosen name.

ISIS Executes 19 Women and Girls for Refusing ‘Sexual Jihad’

Da’esh (ISIS) murdered 19 women and girls for refusing to participate in “sexual jihad” with terrorists in Mosul.

Erdogan Refusing to Meet Bolton in Ankara over ‘Dishonorable, Ugly, Vulgar and Defaming’ Comments

"It is impossible to accept the message given by Mr. Bolton in Israel," Erdogan told members of his ruling party.

ISIS Executes Hundreds in Mosul as Iraqi Forces Close In

ISIS terrorists echoed the Nazis when faced with defeat in Mosul, murdering their human shields and bulldozing the bodies into a mass grave.

Iran Banks on End to Sanctions, Will Raise Oil Production to 1M bpd

Iran is already banking on the lifting of sanctions; vow to raise oil production to 1 million bpd.

VP Pence Talks Independence with Kurdish President Barzani

The Kissinger betrayal of the Kurds came against the background of the 1974 Second Iraqi–Kurdish War, between the Kurds and the Arab government of Iraq.

Turkish Forces Infiltrate Syria to Rescue Troops, Artifacts from Ottoman Tomb

Turkish military forces launched a cross-border raid into northern Syria overnight Saturday to evacuate personnel and rescue artifacts from an historic Ottoman tomb.

Syrian Kurds Arrest German Terrorist Tied to 9/11 Plot

In 1996, Zammar visited Afghanistan for a second time, to formally join al-Qaeda, on the personal invitation of Osama bin Laden.

300 Shiite & Sunni Iraqi Leaders Condemned Widely for Call to Join Abrahamic Accords

Sheikh Rissan al-Halboussi from Anbar province said that "normalization with Israel is now a necessity."

ISIS used Mustard Gas on Kurds, Likely Obtained from Syria

ISIS used mustard gas against Kurdish fighters. The chemical warfare agent was probably picked up in Syria.

Abandoned by US, Kurds Surrender to Brutal Mid-East Math, Give Up Secession

The Trump Administration's urgent warnings against Kurdish independence convinced the Iranian-backed militias and the Iraqi government they had a green light from Washington to invade Kurdistan without fear of American intervention.

Pence, Erdogan, Give Kurds 120 Hours to Vacate War Zone; Pompeo: Won’t Happen to...

Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz: "Of course, what is happening in Syria should remind us of one principle - that we must maintain our ability to defend ourselves."

Turkey Accuses Kurdish PKK Terror Group of Teaming With ISIS

Turkey paradoxically accuses the outlawed Kurdish PKK terror group of collaborating with ISIS.

Israel and the Kurds, a Clandestine Love Affair of Regional Outcasts

It is rumored that, in addition to purchasing oil, Israel is funding the Kurds in their efforts to strengthen the Kurdistan Regional Government in its fight against the Caliphate and the Iraqi Shiite government.

US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley to Visit Israel

This past week Haley visited Jordan and Turkey, where she focused on the needs of displaced Syrian refugees.

Trump Warns Turkey ‘Not to Hit Kurds’ in Syria, Threatens ‘Economic Devastation’

Erdogan has been threatening and planning for months to send the Turkish army into northern Syria on a mission to annihilate the Kurdish defense forces there.

Farsi Satellite TV Station CEO Assassinated in Istanbul

The Dubai partner of GEM TV head Saeed Karimian was also killed in the same attack.

Russia Deploys Troops to Syria-Turkey Border with Goal of Removing Kurdish Fighters

“What [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants is a resolution to the Syria crisis on his terms,” said Anna Borshchevskaya of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “And he is closer to that resolution.”

Report: ISIS Launching Suicide Attacks on Allied Forces Fighting to Retake Mosul

With US air power, Iraqi forces are still keeping their distance from Mosul itself and are expected to lay siege before directly engaging the jihadists.

Lindsey Graham Blocks Armenian Genocide Resolution on Behalf of Erdogan

Graham, who didn't look happy as Trump's errands boy, said, "I do hope that Turkey and Armenia can come together and deal with this problem."

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party Tells TPS: ‘We Had Nothing to do with the Attack...

An official in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) denied that the organization had anything to do with Sunday’s terrorist bombing in Istanbul.

Kurdish Fighters Blow Up Turkish Tank [Video]

Turkey has been attacking the Kurds in Afrin, in an attempt to drive them out of the region.

Turkey Blames PKK, Syrian YPG for Ankara Terror Attack, Vows Retaliation

Turkey has already begun retaliation for the bombing in Ankara, attacking the PKK in Iraq.

Iran ‘Not Worried’ About Falling Oil Prices

Iran, a member of OPEC, is not as worried about the plummeting price of crude oil as its regional neighbors -- it has other sources of income.

Analysis: Turkey Toning Down Hopes for Reconciliation With Israel

Turkey seems to be warning its population not to hope for a renewal of ties with Israel -- again.


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