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Haredi college student

The number of Haredi students enrolled in the technological colleges of the Government Institute for Training Technology and Science (Mahat) of the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Services, rose from 2,224 in 2012 to 3,005 in 2017, a growth of 35%, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Haredi and non-Haredi Mahat students by sex, absolute numbers

The majority of Haredi Mahat students are women, constituting 70.9% of Haredi students.


The preferred majors among Mahat Haredi students in 2017 were Computers (46.5%), Architecture (23.1%), and Civil Engineering (12%).

The majority of women enrolled in Mahat Computer Studies were Haredi (73.5%), and among Computer women students who received a diploma, 81.7% were Haredi.

The majority of Mahat Haredi women were ages 18-20 in 2017. The majority of male Haredi students at Mahat were older than 23.

The number of Haredim who received a Mahat diploma rose 48%, from 516 in 2012 to 764 in 2017 – a similar rise to that of the non-Haredi students.


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