Photo Credit: YouTube screenshot / NYPost
Dr. Gal Luft in a NY Post interview, July 6, 2023.

According to the US Justice Dept., Gal Luft, a Dual US-Israeli citizen, allegedly evaded the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) while working to advance the interests of China in the United States and Sought to Broker the Illicit Sales of Chinese-manufactured weapons, as well as Iranian oil.

Luft claimed that the US manhunt that eventually would lead to his arrest was politically motivated. He was the whistleblower who accused President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, of corruption, saying he used the FBI to share classified information with his Chinese business partners. Luft claimed that he tried to report to the US Justice Dept. about the Biden family’s relationship with the Chinese-controlled energy conglomerate CEFC and that CEFC paid Hunter Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, $100,000, and another $65,000 in monthly payments, to purchase classified information from the FBI.


US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams explained on Monday: “As alleged, Gal Luft, a dual US-Israeli citizen and co-head of a Maryland think tank, engaged in multiple, serious criminal schemes. He subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking US Government official; he acted as a broker in deals for dangerous weapons and Iranian oil; and he told multiple lies about his crimes to law enforcement. As the charges unsealed today reflect, our Office will continue to work vigorously with our law enforcement partners to detect and hold accountable those who surreptitiously attempt to perpetrate malign foreign influence campaigns here in the United States.”

Israeli professor Gal Luft, 56, fled Cyprus last April after being arrested at Larnaca International Airport two months earlier while trying to board a flight to Israel. Luft was awaiting a Cypriot court’s ruling on whether he should be extradited to the US to be prosecuted for arms trafficking. In May, Luft tweeted that the US wanted to bury him.

Needless to say, the entire, very lengthy press release issued by US Attorney Williams contains no reference to President Biden, Hunter, or any other Biden.

Last week, days before Luft’s arrest, the New York Post reported on an extraordinary, 14-minute video that had been filmed in an undisclosed location while Luft was on the run, in which the fugitive professor claims he was arrested in Cyprus last February to stop him from testifying before the House Oversight Committee regarding payments the Biden family received from individuals with ties to Chinese military intelligence. Luft also suggested the Bidens had an FBI mole who shared classified information with CEFC.

Between 1996 and 1998, Gal Luft commanded IDF artillery brigade 282 in the Golan.

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