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Cancel Culture
  • Friends or people I follow (besides Trump) have been banned or blocked at some point. 37%, 95 votes
    95 votes 37%
    95 votes - 37% of all votes
  • I haven't been banned or blocked yet, but am very concerned it will happen. 29%, 74 votes
    74 votes 29%
    74 votes - 29% of all votes
  • I've had content deleted or an account blocked by a Social Media company. 28%, 73 votes
    73 votes 28%
    73 votes - 28% of all votes
  • If you've been banned or blocked on Social Media you deserved it. 6%, 15 votes
    15 votes 6%
    15 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 257
February 12, 2021 - February 27, 2021
Voting is closed

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