Photo Credit: Gideon Markowicz/TPS
The entire floor of a residential building in Rehovot was destroyed in a rocket attack fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists in Gaza, May 11, 2023

At least one Israeli was confirmed dead and seven others were injured shortly after 6 pm late Thursday afternoon when a rocket struck a three-story residential building in Rehovot.


The Israeli who was killed was disabled and wheelchair bound. She has been identified as 82-year-old Inga Avramian. Avramian made Aliyah 30 years ago with her husband Sergei, from Yerevan, Armenia. She is survived by her husband, children and grandchildren.

“When we arrived on scene we saw massive destruction, we immediately went in to search the apartments,” said Magen David Adom (MDA) EMTs Yedidya Hakmon and Tomer Pashko. “In a third floor apartment we found an unconscious male victim with a severe multi-trauma injury, and could only pronounce him dead.

“In a further apartment a 74 year male was found trapped with his leg under the rubble; he was rescued by the Fire Department and taken by stretcher to the MDA ambulance that evacuated him to hospital in moderate condition. Further MDA teams arrived on scene and provided treatment to three further victims in moderate condition and one in mild condition.”

At least seven people were injured in the attack and were taken to Kaplan Hospital, including four with moderate wounds, a 74 year old male and a male of about 50, as well as two women approximately age 70, and one person with mild injuries, and two people suffering shock.

“At least one entire floor was erased by the impact,” said a reporter on the scene from Galei Tzahal IDF Army Radio. The building was being evacuated as it was no longer safe for residents. The building next door was also damaged by the explosion of the rocket.

According to a statement by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization in Gaza, the rocket that hit the building was the group’s new “Burak 85” long-range, large explosive rocket. That rocket, according to a Islamic Jihad source, was Iranian-made. There is also speculation that the rocket taken down yesterday by the David’s Sling system was also Iranian made.

Several people were reportedly trapped on a floor above one in which residents were taking refuge from the attack in their private bomb shelters.

One person was injured in Netivot.

The coastal city of Ashkelon was targeted throughout the day on Thursday, but in the evening barrage, rocket fire intenstified.

“There were 20 launches in four separate barrages fired at the city within the last several minutes,” a spokesperson for the city said in a statement.

There were four direct hits within one hour in the southern border city of Sderot, critically wounding at least one person. Four others were wounded as well, including an elderly couple that survived simply because they left their home for an external bomb shelter just before the impact.

Two other homes also sustained direct hits, but both were empty as their occupants had evacuated earlier in the week.

Multiple people were treated for emotional shock and mild injuries.

In addition, shrapnel from a rocket strike that landed just 50 meters away in Sderot hit and slightly damaged the car belonging to government National Mission Minister Orit Struk. Her driver, who was in the car at the time, was unharmed.

In the Eshkol region, a 30-year-old man was brought to the MDA station with shrapnel wounds at around 6:40 pm. He was treated on site and then taken, fully conscious, to Be’er Sheva’s Soroka Medical Center.

Sdot Negev
In addition, at least two people were wounded when a rocket landed at the entrance to a home in the Sdot Negev region; medics treated and evacuated an 82-year-old female with shrapnel wounds, and a 90-year-old male suffering emotional shock.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.