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Laughter is the act or sound of laughing, and is most definitely infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is more contagious than a cough, sneeze or sniffle. Laughter can strengthen your immune system, boost your energy and save you from stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

Laughter is the best medicine!  Laughter is a powerful antidote towards stress, pain, and anxiety. Nothing works faster to bring your mind back in balance than a good laugh. Laughter connects you to others, and keeps you focused and alert. Laughter can boost your physical health by relaxing your muscles, and lowering your blood pressure. Socially, laughter strengthens relationships, helps eliminate conflict, and promotes bonding between you and others. Mental benefits of laughter are added joy and zest to your life, improvement in your mood, and shifts in perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more positive light.


One important factor in helping us laugh is not taking yourself too seriously. We all know the classic sourpuss who is extremely serious and never laughs at anything; those people are anything but fun to be around. An example of this is John, a retired businessman, excited to finally devote time to playing golf. However, the more he played, the more disappointed he became at every little mistake. John finally realized that his golfing buddies were too serious about the game and were affecting his attitude. Life brings many challenges and when you take things too seriously it can be hard to think outside the box and find new solutions.

There are several different types of laughter. To begin with, there is the way we react when we hear a funny joke or comment. Then there is laughing as a way to cope, seeing others laughing and deciding to join in on the fun. Lastly there is laughter which involves sarcasm and teasing, like when your friend trips over her feet. This situation is definitely not funny, though people laugh because it is an unsuspected and awkward situation and they feel the need to laugh and put that person down.

Laughter is the tool that helps us physically, socially, and mentally. It takes you to a higher place where you can view the world from a more relaxed, positive, and joyful perspective. As Mark Twain once said, “The human race has one really powerful weapon, and that is laughter.”

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