Chabad Leader in Israel Undergoes Heart Procedure

The public is being asked to pray for the full and speedy recovery of Yitzchak Yehuda ben Chaya Esther.

Birthright Drops Reform Program, Claims Kids Prefer Orthodox Tours

Birthright brought 48,000 Jewish kids ages 18 to 26 to Israel in 2017, but not through the Reform movement, apparently.

Chabad of Wilmington Prepares to Wait Out Hurricane Florence as it Hits North Carolina

"We stocked up on food and water ... we have a generator, powered by gas or propane ... and we'll use it to power the freezer to keep the food from spoiling, hopefully long enough till the electricity comes back."

Florida Sober Passover Seder to Accommodate Jews in Treatment Centers

“There’s something bittersweet about a Seder for someone on the road to recovery. After all, Passover celebrates liberation from captivity, something an individual in recovery longs to experience."

Shooter Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ in Deadly Chabad of Poway Synagogue Attack, Bail Denied

Miraculously, Earnest didn't use his extra 50 bullets because the District Attorney said, “Something happened to interrupt his use of that gun.”

Rabbi Adin Even Yisrael Steinsaltz Hospitalized in Jerusalem

One of the most beloved rabbis worldwide is recovering at a Jerusalem hospital after a catherization for a cranial blood clot.

Torah Scrolls Stolen in Hawaii

A reward of $5,000 is being offered for the safe return of two Torah scrolls stolen last weekend from the Chabad of Hawaii synagogue at the Ala Moana Hotel.

Foreign Jewish Students Bake Matzos, Some Never Celebrated the Seder

"I just tasted matzah for the first time in my life and it was cool."

US Not Seeking Death Penalty for Chabad of Poway Synagogue Shooter

The decision was mentioned in a court filing in federal court and comes soon after U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland stopped federal executions while the Justice Department conducts a review.

PM Modi to Meet Son of Chabad Emissaries Killed in Mumbai Terror Attack

Nowadays Moshe lives with his maternal grandparents in Afula, in Jezreel Valley.

Orthodox Jew Bloodied in Anti-Semitic Attack in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

“Has it become too dangerous for openly religious Jewish men to walk the streets of NYC?”

Crown Heights Jews Remember: Prayers for Yankel Rosenbaum, z’l, Hope for Peace

Australian Professor Norman Rosenbaum visits the scene of his brother's murder in Brooklyn 25 years later, denouncing violence with bereaved father Carmel Cato.

European Jewish Congress President Tells Putin Jewish Exodus from Europe Is Coming

"Statistically, the position of Jews in Europe is the worst since the end of WWII," Kantor said.

Chabad Leadership Warns of ‘Dangerous, Downward Spiral of Anti-Semitism’

"Anti-Jewish violence in the United States has now risen to a level that cannot be ignored or dismissed."

Massive Israeli Food Security Effort Recruits Colel Chabad to Ensure Success

The massive social services operation was launched at the behest of the Israeli government, at a cost of more than NIS 100 million in funding.

New Orleans Hebrews Swept in Ol’ Mardi Gras Shabbat Excitement

We have no idea how one can maintain the two warring notions of 'Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans' and 'avoiding immodesty' in the same sentence

New Community Center Opens in ‘Fiddler’s’ Anatevka

The space will serve various community needs and function as a medical rehabilitation center.

Watch Moshe Holtzberg: ‘Dear Mr. Modi, I Love You and Your People in India’

PM Netanyahu has been invited for a return visit to India, and has invited Moshe Holtzberg to come with him.

Chabad Rabbis Print ‘Tanya’ at Ramat Trump in Golan Heights

“Even before the first tractor has touched the ground, a spiritual “housewarming” was carried out in the future settlement, in the form of printing the Tanya on the site."

Brooklyn Yeshiva Student Punched in Face on Crown Heights Street

The two students were walking past 1505 Carroll Street near Troy Avenue, heading to their Yeshiva dorm, at approximately 1:30 am, when the incident occurred.

Chabad-Lubavitch Vows ‘Vibrant Jewish Life’ to Continue in Paris

Chabad Education Chairman Rabbi Krinsky vows vibrant Jewish life will continue in Paris.

Jewish Caucus, Chabad, Announce First-Ever Sukkah at New York City Hall

Organizing the project was a real team effort, according to Jewish Caucus Chairman Chaim Deutsch.

Tens of Thousands of Jews Flood Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs for Shabbat Chayei...

The families of the community opened their homes to the tens of thousands of guests.

US Ambassador David Friedman’s Passover Message: ‘Next Year in Jerusalem’ Has Special Meaning This...

“To be here for Passover in Israel is a very special moment for me," says US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

San Jose Chabad Synagogue Torched

For the fledgling Jewish community the fire was a devastating blow.

Chabad Rabbi: Lori Gilbert Kaye Saved my Life

"Our rabbi, Yisroel Goldstein, who was taken to the emergency room, told everyone that she saved his life because she stood in front of him."

42 Orphaned Girls Celebrate Their Bat Mitzvahs With Challah & Smiles in Jerusalem

"It’s such an important thing for mothers to stay in touch, and for our children to have others who understand what they are going through."

Russia’s Chief Rabbi: Terrorists Should Not Enjoy Safe Harbors

'The terrorists are trying to impose their agenda and language on the world, focusing on no negotiations, no value for human life, and murder and intimidation.'

And the Only US State Without a Chabad Is…

Only 49 US States have a Chabad House. Is this holding back the Moshiach?

Gathering at Ohel to Mark 32nd Year After Passing of Rabbi JJ Hecht, obm

Rabbi Hecht’s influence has spread far and wide after his passing.


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