Watch: Rabbi Manis Friedman on the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th Yahrzeit, Gimel Tamuz 2024

We bring you his latest talk, taped on the eve of Gimel Tamuz 5784 (2024).

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Who Oversaw Thousands of Chabad Institutes Dead at 75

Rabbi Kotlarsky’s passing is a profound loss for the Chabad-Lubavitch community and the entire Jewish world.

Remembering Chabad Music Legend Eli Lipsker, z’l, on His 7th Yarzheit

Eli Lipsker became a pathfinder, paving the way for other observant musicians to follow.

A Chabad House Grows in Gaza

The Chabad House sign was proudly hung in a building in Beit Hanoun which has been damaged in the fighting and is surrounded by rubble.

Israel’s Diaspora Minister Tours Kfar Chabad Etrog Orchard, Honey Factory Ahead of Sukkot

During the visit, Chikli toured the etrog orchard of the Gorlik family, discovering the secrets of growing the unique fruit for Sukkot.

Liverpool Chabad Rabbi Pays Tribute to Elderly Jewish Couple Who Perished in a Flood

"They were due to celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary next week and our only comfort is knowing that they were together to the very end."

Thousands Visiting Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Grave for ‘Gimel Tamuz’

“The Rebbe gave an order, marching orders. And so you have to go on marching.”

Ben Gvir Removed from Kfar Chabad Celebrations So Netanyahu Won’t Be Seen with Him

We bless him and his partner Bezalel Smotrich to win enough mandates so Bibi would be forced to treat them with respect.

De Niro, Spike Lee, Josh Alexander, AP, Rehabilitate Crown Heights Pogrom’s Leader

Alexander’s film celebrates Sharpton’s legacy as “an extension of Martin Luther King Jr.

Elected Officials Condemn Antisemitic Remarks at Long Island Board of Trustees Meeting

"A synagogue cannot be on every residential street like they are on the Five Towns."

Former Chabad of Poway Rabbi Gets 14 Months for Multi-Million-Dollar Fraud Schemes

He lost his right index finger in the attack, which probably made it very difficult to count out those 10% cuts.

First Time: Tanya Printed in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Three Chabad Chassidim, Avigdor Factor, Yossi Lipsh, and Moshe Raichman from Ramat Bet Shemesh traveled to Manama, Bahrain to print the Tanya on the Yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe's passing, the 24th in the month of Tevet.

Florida Governor Goes to Lubavitch Shul to Sign Moment of Silence Bill

The governor signed the bill one day after the 27th anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Pew: 17% of Young US Jews Identify as Orthodox, 27% of Jewish Adults Say...

Proving that intermarriage really is a slippery slope: among married Jews who say they have one Jewish parent, 82% have a non-Jewish spouse.

Chabad-Lubavitch Emissary Busy in the United Arab Emirates

Rabbi Levi Duchman first came to the UAE in the winter of 2015, following up months later to lead a Passover seder in the capital city of Abu Dhabi. He moved to the country later that year.

World’s Largest Zoom Event to Mark the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Yartzeit

One of the highlights of the program will be a live feed of prayer at the Rebbe's Ohel.

Crown Heights Rabbis Temporarily Ban Guests: ‘Thank You For Being Considerate’

"We must ask those intending to visit ... to postpone their trips for the forseeable future. This might not work out with your plans, but it is for our protection.”

Lubavitch Summer Camps Plan Around Coronavirus Pandemic

Given that some places may not lift their stay-at-home orders for weeks yet, just how would a “virtual” camp program work?

Lubavitch Fundraiser Celebrates Pesach Sheni after Recovering from Coronavirus

His wife showed up at his bedside after his recovery, her face covered with a mask, he asked her when was Pesach, and she said, Two weeks ago.

Great Fake News: Congress Singing ‘Yemei Melech’ for Trump

The tune probably marked more than anything else the change in the relationship between the new White House and Jewish value

MDA Sends Anti Contagion Protection Equipment to Chabad Houses in China

The protective kits, which include special suits, masks, glasses, shoes and hats, aim to prevent infection in the event of contact with a sick person.

World Jewry, Chabad-Lubavitch & India Mark 11 Years Since Mumbai Massacre

Today the sole Jewish survivor of the massacre is a yeshiva student, learning to become a rabbinic emissary and to follow in his parents’ footsteps.

Lubavitch Movement Marks Rebbe’s 25th Yahrzeit

Besides his tireless work over four decades to promote Jewish continuity, establishing a global network of Chabad houses and numerous other institutions directed at Jews, the Rebbe also made a significant mark on the non-Jewish world.

Putin Unveils Memorial to Jewish Uprisings in Nazi Death Camps

The project was sponsored by Viktor Vekselberg, a Ukrainian-born tycoon whose father was Jewish.

Poway Rabbi Goes on MSNBC to Thank Trump for his Support and Comfort

The gunman, John Earnest, was a Trump hater, and called him in a post he entered an hour before his attack, "that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous [expletive]."

Rabbi, Young Israeli Girl Among Wounded in Shooting at Chabad Shul in Poway, California

“This shooter was engaged by people in the congregation, and those brave people certainly prevented this from being a much worse tragedy.”

The Tanya Was Lost in Beresheet’s Moon Crash

It should be noted that the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, is known to have said that "our understanding of the Tanya is like a goat looking at the moon."

Joy Overcomes Loss in Jerusalem Bat Mitzvah Celebration

“The reality is that victims of terror are, sadly, in their own category. We are forced to approach these events differently."


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