I write in anger… Not a good thing to do at all.

I write in astonishment, in pain.


Yesterday a bomb went off… No, that’s wrong. It didn’t go off. That is a ridiculous, passive way to describe a completely avoidable event.

Yesterday, a Palestinian terrorist set off a bomb. I don’t know all the details; I know the result. Twenty-one people (or perhaps it is 20 people and a terrorist…at this moment, as I think of the suffering, I find it hard to credit the terrorist as having enough humanity to be human), were injured – two critically. One is likely the bomber…the second…the second breaks my heart and calls forth my anger. In so many ways, this could be me.

A mother and daughter – her’s 15/mine 16 – got on a bus. The daughter went to the back of the bus to get two seats; the mother went through the line to pay for her and her daughter. The bus exploded. The terrorist was in the back of the bus. The daughter, Eden Dadon, had already made her way there. Her mother, Racheli was in the front of the bus when it exploded and flames tore through the bus.

The sound of the explosion is deafening…so too is the silence. It is the sound I hear this morning as I sit in Israel, afraid to check the news. And so, in anger, I write. Not to everyone but to those who have family living in Israel, to those who claim to love this land. To those who should know the price of silence, if they no nothing else of our history, our people. I tell you with all honesty, if you didn’t take two minutes of your precious time to condemn the latest terror attack…you are part of the problem.

If you take the time to come on Facebook and post the latest picture of your children, what movie you just saw, your latest vacation pictures…swimming, skiing…whatever, but didn’t take two f******g minutes to tell others that they blew up a bus in Jerusalem, injuring 21 people, including several children…shame on you.

I have no words to describe our justifiable anger at your silence.

And I will leave you with one last thought – silence is as great a crime as the terror itself. One ignites the bomb…the other enables its power and success.


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Paula R. Stern is CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company in Israel. Her personal blog, A Soldier's Mother, has been running since 2007. She lives in Maale Adumim with her husband and children, a dog, too many birds, and a desire to write.