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News coverage of the alleged Nakba Day Shooting of Palestinian Arab Youths.

Frankly, I don’t believe the vicious lie that the IDF deliberately targets children — a case of projection if I’ve ever seen one, by the folks who gave us the Ma’alot massacre (22 children), the Bus of Blood (13 children), the Dolphinarium bombing (21 children), and who fire anti-tank missiles at schoolbuses (1 child). So I am much more likely to believe that the video is a fake.

I agree, therefore, with the US that there should be a complete and transparent investigation. The dead Palestinians are probably already buried, but if necessary they should be dug up, identified and autopsied. Evidence must be collected from the scene(s) and witnesses interviewed by investigators (and not only by pro-Palestinian media).


Yes, it would cause pain to the families. But IDF soldiers have been accused of deliberate murder of innocent children. That causes pain too.

The excellent news blog FresnoZionism is now Abu Yehuda.

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Vic Rosenthal created to provide a forum for publishing and discussing issues about Israel and the Mideast conflict, especially where there is a local connection. Rosenthal believes that America’s interests are best served by supporting the democratic state of Israel, the front line in the struggle between Western civilization and radical Islam. The viewpoint is not intended to be liberal or conservative — just pro-Israel.