Photo Credit: wikimaps
San Remo Conference 1920, Map of British Mandate of Palestine after WW I

No one who claims to be an advocate of a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict is really being honest about it.

If they were, they’d admit that a Palestinian state already exists, more than one in fact.


75% of Mandatory Palestine, which was promised for the Jewish state, was ripped away and given to the Hashemite invaders, eventually being renamed Jordan.

Some 80% of Jordan’s citizens self-identify as Palestinian.

So despite the Hashemite occupation and dictatorship, there already exists a fully-functioning Jew-free Palestinian state with a self-identified Palestinian majority.

But put Jordan aside, then there’s Gaza.

100% Arab ruled. 100% self-identified Palestinian population. Zero Jews.

Under blockade? True, but only because of their ongoing terrorism. The blockade would end tomorrow if they stopped trying to destroy Israel today.

So Gaza is the second Palestinian state currently in existence.

But for the two-staters, those two existing Jew-free Palestinian states just aren’t enough.

They want Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem to be the third Palestinian state.

The autonomous Palestinian Authority, with zero Jews, already acts as a State in those areas it controls, but the two-staters want it bigger, much bigger. They also want the Jewish People’s holiest sites to be included in this third Palestinian state.

And then finally, there’s little Israel, with it’s 20% Arab population, into which some two-staters want to import/flood with even more self-identified Palestinians, to eventually outnumber the Jews, creating a fourth Palestinian state.

So enough with the two-state solution, because we already have more than that.

It’s time you two-staters admit that what you really want is a four-state solution, or maybe not even that – perhaps all you really want is no-Jewish state solution.

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