Photo Credit: Noam Moskowitz/Flash90
Mitt Romney in Israel

And what can we say of the Western intellectuals, “experts,” journalists, and politicians who encourage the Third World and many other groups to continue going down the road of poverty, hatred, violence, and instability?

Note: A large number of mainstream media outlets and columnists have attacked Romney for his statement mainly, echoing the AP story, because he didn’t talk about the negative effects of Israeli policy on the Palestinian economy. Because, you see, nobody can be successful and prosperous unless they stole it from others.


To my knowledge not a single one pointed out: Statistics showing major advances during the period of Israeli occupation; 2. Palestinian violence has been the main cause for Israeli roadblocks and interventions; 3. A comparison to non-oil rich Arab countries showing that the Palestinian Authority has not done at all badly in comparison to those where Israel had no effect; 4. The massive corruption and incompetence of the PA; 5. The massive in-flow of international aid to the Palestinians; and 6. The large transfer of funds (as provided in the Oslo agreement but PA behavior did not make Israel violate the agreement) from Israel to the PA regarding refunds on customs’ duties and workers’ fringe benefits. This is how shameless the coverage is on these issues. It’s funny to think that only a couple of months ago, the same media outlets were talking about a big economic boom on the West Bank.

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Professor Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. See the GLORIA/MERIA site at