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Much like the previous pro-Hamas assaults on…

1. Congress


2. Christmas tree lightings

3. Churches

4. Grand Central Station

… except there to be zero consequences for participants in this insurrection beyond a desk appearance ticket.

After all, a BLM mob in 2020 assailed the White House, torched the gatehouse and members of the military were investigated and punished for flying a chopper too low over the vicious hate-filled mob. Gen. Milley spent the rest of his miserable career apologizing for the Church of Presidents walk.

Most of the media coverage of this assault is glowingly positive. It’s also getting all the press that 300,000 pro-Israel supporters rallying in D.C. did not.

Anti-Israel protesters and rioters gathered outside the White House on Saturday night, with some demonstrators damaging security fencing and hurling objects at police.

The demonstrators were heard chanting “Ceasefire Now” and “Free, Free Palestine,” with many waving Palestinian flags. “Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,” was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.

Those were chants of support for the Houthis hijacking and launching attacks on civilian ships.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News Digital that some fences were damaged outside the White House, and that staff members and journalists were “relocated” as a result.

“As a precaution, some members of the media and staff in proximity to Pennsylvania Avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue was being addressed,” the statement continued. “The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march and there was no property damage to the White House or adjacent buildings.”

Of course, no arrests were made. Nor will the FBI be putting up posters of the perps.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.