Photo Credit: Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops
Beit HaMikdash Model Project

Download instructions at the end of the article.

Children at summer camp are learning about the Beis Hamikdosh during the Nine Days. Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops is offering a paper model of the Beis HaMikdosh for kids age 8 and up to assemble, free of charge. You must get a free password, download the model and instructions, print it and go to work, cutting, folding and pasting.


The full color model is being developed in collaboration with Rabbi Yehuda Benchemhoun, author of the illustrated book, Messechet Midot, graphic designer Rabbi Mendy Browd and Rabbi Michoel Albukerk. A preview of this model is being offered online to the public so that both the young and young at heart can learn and build the Beis HaMikdosh.

There have been many different Beis Hamikdosh models on the market, all based on a variety of artistic, and sometimes halachic opinions. This detailed model however, is faithfully based on halachic guidelines of the Rambam in Hilchos Beis HaBechirah and set to a scale of one millimeter to one cubit. Plus this one is being offered for FREE.

This project is a component of the Beis Hamikdosh Craft Workshop, which teaches children about Eretz Yisroel, the history of Har HaBayis and Yerushalayim, the special vessels of the Beis HaMikdosh, and the Ketores.

The Rebbe urged studying about the Beis HaMikdosh in a practical way. Since children learn best by hands-on activities using a model to learn about the Holy Temple helps children develop a personal connection to the actual Beis Hamikdosh.

“We are thrilled by the beautiful pictures of children building their own models that came in from all over the world last year,” says Rabbi Michoel Albukerk of Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops. “Educators and parents everywhere are downloading this project and we hear kids are very excited to create their own models and proudly displaying them in the living room shelf for all to see and talk about.”

For many junior Beis Hamikdosh builders, the model is a tool to spark interest in learning Hilchos Beis Habechira with more enthusiasm and in greater depth. Some amateur architects have even come up with original innovations like cutting open the tiny gates of the model, using foam core to raise the temple courtyard and enlarging the model to make a table top display model for learning classes at camp.

If you want to build your own miniature Beis Hamikdosh, get ready. The model takes a bit of time to assemble with lots of cutting and folding. Bring scissors, quick-drying glue, patience and a passion for arts n’ crafts. Ideally, the entire model can be completed in a few half hour sessions. Young children might need adult assistance. To get started, follow the instructions below.

In the zechus of learning about the Holy Temple, may we merit to see the third Beis HaMikdash descend from heaven in actuality with Moshiach, with the Rebbe, leading us to Yerushalayim.

For information about other projects of Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops and the Traveling Crafts of the Jewish People, visit


  1. Print Assembly Instructions
    Download Instruction Guide for Model Beis HaMikdosh.
  2. Download the Model: Click here to download zip file containing the file.
    (In order to maintain the exclusivity of this project, the file is password protected.)
  3. To request a password for the model, email your name, the name of your school or camp to [email protected] and request a password to open the file.

In your request, please indicate:

– The name of your school or camp you will use the model for.
– If it’s for your family, indicate {Name} Family.
– Please tell us where you learned about this offer? []

  1. Print the model:
    Print in COLOR on 11×17 (ledger size) CARDSTOCK, (60-85 pound paper). (Y&B, Kinko’s, Staples or any print shop).
  2. Tools:
    CUT then FOLD each piece BEFORE gluing. You will need:
    – Pairs of sharp scissors for detailing
    – Tacky Glue or the like
    – Counselors to help

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