Lost in Africa – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

Being stuck for Shabbat in an African city can be it's own adventure!

A Hebrew in the Heartland – Have We Gone Off the Wall?!? [audio]

The whole Western Wall affair is a PR manipulation by some parties who wish to cause chaos in Israel.

Gay Parade in Jerusalem – Is that OK? – A Hebrew in the Heartland...

Israeli blogger, Brian of London, a secular Tel Avivian will explain why he is content with the Gay Parade in Tel Aviv and doesn't feel that this needs to be held in Jerusalem as well.

A Nation that Survives – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

David Ha'ivri is back after a short break. Today he will be speaking with three very special guests...

Support Tal Binyamin – A Hebrew In The Heartland [audio]

Today David will be speaking with Root Source Co Founder Gidon Ariel. Also on the show David talks to us about The new Hilltop community Tal Binyamin. Tal Binyamin is a Hilltop community in Shomron just west of the town of Kfar Tapuach.

Arab By Birth, Zionist By Choice – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

Do all Arabs hate Israel? Is there any hope for change? Today David will be speaking with Lebanese writer Fred Maroun who has become...

El Dia Opina – A Hebrew In Heartland [audio]

David will be speaking with Conservative Australian Youtuber “El Dia Opina” about what it means to be a “youtuber” and how she relates to Israel and and anti-Israel dis-information being spread around the internet.

Wonder Woman in the Knesset, MK Sharren Haskal – A Hebrew In Heartland [audio]

On today's show David Ha'ivri will be speaking with Likud Knesset Member Sharren Haskal, youngest and prettiest member of the Netanyahu coalition.

A Hebrew in the Heartland – President Trump, Masada and the Jewish Messiah [audio]

What is the significance of Massada and why should foreign leaders visit this historical place?

A Tale of Two Hilltops in Shomron – A Hebrew In The Heartland [audio]

David will be speaking about two hilltops in Shomron where Jewish pioneers are working to establish new towns.

Blogging for Israel and Dancers from Ariel – A Hebrew In The Heartland [audio]

David brings Avi Zimmerman on todays show. Ari heads the international relations effort for the city of Ariel in the heart of Shomron. Avi is currently leading a large group of youth performers from Ariel on tour all across the United States. Today they will be having a major event in Ariel Twin City, Mobile, Alabama.

A Hebrew in the Heartland – A Very Unusual Journey to Love for Israel...

A personal account of a woman who escaped the influence of Jehovah Witness teachings and Hollywood films and became a dedicated supporter and activist for Israel.

The Jordan Option – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

Can we establish a alternative to the two-state delusion in Jordan?


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/a-hebrew-in-the-heartland/arabs-who-want-to-live-in-peace-with-israel-a-hebrew-in-the-heartland-audio/2018/09/07/

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