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Israel vs BDS PR who is doing it better and what can we do to improve? On today’s show David will take a look at new list of pros on cons published by “Almost Jewish” Brand Digger and Public Relations expert Virag Gulays. She compare effective measures used by anti Israel propagandists vs weaker and limited means used by the pro Israel camp. Is Hasbara mostly Jews speaking to Jews? What about the much larger audience, the non Jews,are we ignoring them? How can we be more effective for Israel? Israel support from Germany. David will be speaking with Anna König, a young women from Germany who not too long ago was on the other side of the fence and has turned into a big supporter for the Jewish State and the nation of Israel. She recently visited Israel for the first time and spent a day in Shomron. She will share her journey and her impressions after visiting the Heartland of Israel. From Norway to Nigeria via Israel Norwegian Author, Britt Lode recently traveled to Nigeria to promote her book “A Light from Zion”. She will tell of her adventures as a European women traveling in Africa to spread teaching on Torah and support for Israel.



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