Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90
Birkat Kohenim - The Blessing of the Priests - at the Western Wall.

A Hebrew-language Channel 2 investigative journalist has exposed a major security flaw at the Western Wall plaza.

The report, which aired Monday, showed the reporter entering the Western Wall Plaza on a recent Sabbath wearing a fake explosives belt, and armed with knives – as any Arab terrorist might be.


David Suleiman was disguised as a hareidi-religious Jew, which thus exempted him from having to pass through the metal detectors at three of the entrances he chose to test in his experiment, out of a total of four that exist.

He pointed out to Arutz Sheva in a separate interview, “Any Arab can purchase a kippah and talit (prayer shawl). They are easy to get.”

Usually visitors to the Western Wall Plaza must walk through a metal detector and place their bags on a conveyor belt that takes them through an x-ray machine to scrutinize the contents for weapons or explosive materials. Religious Jews are exempt from this process on the Sabbath however, due to Torah prohibitions and instead are able to request a body search.

But Suleiman was able to get past the security checkpoint without even that, and guards seemed to pay no attention to him at all while checking other visitors, according to the report.

Likewise, the journalist roamed freely around the Western Wall Plaza once inside – on its most crowded day of the week – without anyone stopping him.

The Amishav private security firm is tasked with security control at the Western Wall. The firm told Channel 2 in response to the report that an “investigative committee” would be established to “draw the necessary conclusions and carry out changes and adjustments with the customer (the Western Wall Rabbi) as will be required.”

Israel Police told the news team that it’s Amishav’s job to secure the area at the Western Wall – but if security procedures are not implemented, “police will act accordingly.”

Suleiman told Arutz Sheva, “Yesterday the police announced this matter will be changed this week, and I hope that it will improve security.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.