Photo Credit: Mark Neyman/GPO
President Rivlin visits the mourning family of terror victim Amin Sha'aban, Jan. 2016

On Saturday night we reported that the family of the Dizengoff terrorist, Nashat Melhem, from Wadi Ara, initiated a sulha, an Arab peace reconciliation agreement, with the family of Amin Shaaban, an Arab taxi driver the terrorist killed during Melhem’s escape, after his murderous attack on cvilians on Dizengoff Street. Following months of negotiations, the ceremony was planned for the coming Saturday, Nov. 19.

Now, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 10 News, the victim’s family is refusing to attend the sulha ceremony, protesting the fact that the reconciliation had been forced on them through the media. Abdullah Shaaban, a spokesman for the family, announced: “We will not conduct a sulha with the family of a terrorist.”


It should be noted that, should a Sulha not be reached, it could lead to a perpetual vendetta between the two clans, in which many will die — and then reach a sulha.

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