Photo Credit: Twitter
Trending on social media, the hashtag translated as "#IAmKnife," in praise of weapon used to attack Israelis in Tel Aviv on Jan. 21, 2015.

On Wednesday, Jan. 21, an Arab terrorist from Tulkarem, boarded a public bus during the morning rush hour and viciously stabbed a dozen Israelis. Several people remain in critical condition.

The bus driver, Herzl Biton, was stabbed multiple times as he bravely fought back against the attacker. He was in a medically-induced coma, as was another victim, but Biton today regained consciousness.


The terrorist was shot in the leg by prison guards when he rushed off the bus. The prison guards happened to be driving on the same road and saw the bus weaving suspiciously. The terrorist was taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment and will be charged.

The hatred of Israelis, of Jews, has become such a public experience, that people on social media appropriated the recent homage to those murdered at the French satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine, “#JeSuisCharlie, and created their own version: #JeSuisCouteau, which means “I Am Knife.”

The people using this hashtag, frequently accompanied by grotesque cartoons of stabbed Jews or glorifying pictures of knives, are celebrating the vicious attack on Jews.

What follows are many examples of the tweets and Tumblr posts glorifying the weapon used to attack Israelis.



This tweeter catalogues the recent explosion in use of everyday weapons used to try and murder Israelis.

This tweeter writes, in French, “with pleasure.”

Some people have gone on the counterattack, and are using hashtags such as #JeSuisTelAviv and #JeSuisJuif.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]