Photo Credit: Israel Police
Scene of the terror attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. Nov. 21, 2021

The terrorist who shot and killed an Israeli man and wounded four others in Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday was identified as Fadi Abu-Shkadem, a resident of the Shuafat neighborhood in Jerusalem, age 42, affiliated with Hamas.

Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev stated that the terrorist was a member of Hamas’ political faction. His wife fled the country three days ago to Jordan, and his four children are also abroad.


“It seems that the attack was planned. His wife fled abroad and he decided to carry it out,” said Bar-Lev of the attack.

Abu-Shkadem visited the Temple Mount on a regular basis, Bar-Lev said. He is said to have been involved in Islamic classes and tours of the Temple Mount.

Abu-Shkadem was a figure known to Israel’s security forces, the police admitted.

Hamas stated the terrorist was one of its leaders in eastern Jerusalem.

Police raided the a-Rashidia School, near the Rockefeller Museum on Sultan Suleiman Street, shortly after the attack. The school, which is affiliated with the Jerusalem municipality, was Abu-Shkadem’s workplace. He was a teacher of religious studies.

The attack in the area of the Chain Gate near the Temple Mount that lasted 32 seconds left two Israeli men seriously and moderately injured, and two Border Police troops wounded in light condition. A fifth Israeli was murdered.

The terrorist, who was clad in black Muslim dress, was also armed with a knife.

Hamas praised the attack, saying that “the holy city will continue to fight until it expels the foreign occupier and will not succumb to the reality of the occupation. The young people will continue their legitimate struggle until they achieve their freedom, their land is liberated and the holy places are returned to them.”

The Islamic Jihad also welcomed the lethal attack as “a heroic attack” that is “a natural response to the escalation of terrorism by Israeli settlers and soldiers living in delusions.”

Sunday’s attack occurred four days after an Arab terrorist stabbed two Border Police troops near the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in the Old City and wounded one of them moderately and the other lightly. The terrorist was shot dead.

The police are boosting their forces in the city in fear of further attacks. While Jerusalem has experienced stabbing and vehicular terror attacks in recent months, a shooting attack is extremely severe.

The Israeli killed in the attack is the first casualty in seven months, and is the first Israeli to be murdered in a terror attack in Jerusalem in two and a half years.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.