‘Doctors Without Borders’ Attacks Israel for Killing Jihad Terrorist with Medical Day Job

Later, the IDF spokesman posted the video of the elimination along with the announcement that "an Air Force aircraft eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Alwadia.

Terrorists Kidnap, Kill and Booby-Trap Body of IDF Oketz Canine in Gaza

The soldiers returned to the scene under heavy cover to collect their canine fighter from the alley, but by the time they reached the spot, he had disappeared.

Les Monde: Gaza Banks Victims of Spectacular Hamas Heists

The bank’s estimated losses in one month stand at more than 66 million euros.

IDF: Hamas’s Original Plan Was Even More Ambitious, Included Marauding Israel’s Central Cities

"We learned that every Hamas unit that was involved in this operation had a specific goal and a very specific way to reach that goal."

Watch Out: Islamic Jihad Hacks Israeli Social Networks

Always be suspicious of links from strangers, even if they list 100 mutual friends.

Gen. Yadlin: Hamas Deterred by Israel’s Latest Strategy, Hesitating to Join Jihad

Israel’s reactive strategy has led to a huge drop in the fear it was inflicting on the enemy.

Who Are the Islamic Jihad Commanders Who Were Eliminated?

Three leaders of the Islamic Jihad were killed simultaneously in their homes in separate areas of the Gaza Strip.

Killing of Terrorist Who Won’t Die Now Set to Music

Warning: the images in these tweets are disturbing and graphic, please avoid them if you are sensitive.

Gazans Angered by Islamic Jihad Rockets Misfiring and Exploding Inside Strip

Gazan's are being pressured to not post photos and videos from the deaths caused by Islamic Jihad.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Composes Prayer for our War against the Arabs of Gaza and...

"Woe is me, that I live with Meshech, that I dwell among the clans of Kedar," these are the descendants of Ishmael.

US Army Rejects Iron Dome: ‘Exceptionally Difficult to Integrate’

"Everyone also knew going in that it was tailor-made for Israel, and so it is not going to be optimized for the United States."

2,370 Arab Terror Attacks Against Jews You Never Heard About in 2019

Some of these were fatal. And mainstream media do not report them.

Internal Hamas Document Implicates Group in Elimination of Senior Islamic Jihad Commander

An internal Hamas document reveals its alleged involvement in the IDF’s assassination of senior Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Atta in the Gaza Strip in November and exposes the ongoing power struggle between the various Gaza factions.

Watch: Corbyn Flees Scottish Minister Asking Where’s his Islamic Jihad Scarf

According to shocking revelations, Reverend Richard Cameron also "shared a series of controversial views on Islam, describing terrorism as 'a problem Islam needs to deal with.'"

Schools and Work Places Closed in Tel Aviv as Islamic Jihad Declares WAR and...

The IDF is apparently expecting an attack on Tel Aviv today. Rocket Alerts at 7:59 AM.

UPDATED: Israel Assassinates Senior Islamic Jihad Leader

Baha Abu al-Ata normally surrounds himself with children as human shields, making it difficult to target him.

EXCLUSIVE: Islamic Jihad Admits Its Own Rocket Killed Mother and Baby

Islamic Jihad representatives met with the Abu ‘Arar family and offered them full compensation and a registry of the baby as a “Shahid” in exchange for their silence.

Watch: Destruction of Islamic Jihad Terror Tunnel

"This is a fence-crossing tunnel in which a great deal of resources have been invested."

Report: Hamas Arrests ‘Dozens’ of Palestinian Islamic Jihad Operatives in Gaza

PIJ has challenged the authority of Hamas over the enclave in the past six months.

Gaza Terrorists Fired 1000 Rockets and Mortars at Israel in 2018

The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted 250 of the missiles fired at Israel in 2018; 45 more rockets and missiles landed in urban areas.

2 Gazans Dead After Violating Ceasefire, Ignoring Egyptian Request to Stay Away from Israeli...

Egyptian mediators allegedly asked Gazans to maintain a distance from the border with Israel for at least three weeks.

Netanyahu: ‘Our Enemies Pleaded for a Ceasefire and They Know Very Well Why’

"I see the overall picture of Israel's security, which I cannot share with the public. [...] it is mostly hidden from view."

Greenblatt Rebuking ‘Terrorists in Gaza’ Amidst Promises of ‘Deal of the Century’

It remains to be seen how Greenblatt plans to incorporate his clear understanding of the borderline-suicidal policies of the Gaza terror gang into his much touted plan for a "deal of the century."

Gaza Rocket Hits Israeli Kindergarten As Hamas Calls for Ceasefire

In an open miracle, despite the awful damage, not one person was physically injured.

IDF Fires on 3 Young Terrorists Sent to Sabotage Gaza Border Fence

The opportunity to raise condemnations of Israel did not escape the Arab propaganda machine, both in Gaza and Ramallah.

Former NSC Chief: 99% of Israelis Not Harmed in Gaza Conflict – It’s Acceptable

When asked if after the restoration of the Gaza Strip Hamas would take care of the needs of its citizens, Eiland replied: "No. Extremist regimes operate according to short-term interests."

Al Hayat: Hamas Condemns Firing Rockets at Israel

The Hamas decision to ease the confrontations with the IDF "came to reduce the losses among the protesters."

JNF: More Than Half the Forests Burned Down in Western Negev by Terror Balloons

"We must fight the terrorism of the balloons as the State of Israel fights any other kind of terrorism.”


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/antisemitism-news/anti-israel-ngos/doctors-without-borders-attacks-israel-for-killing-hamas-terrorist-with-medical-day-job/2024/06/26/

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