IDF Closes Gaza Crossings After Sixth Day of Rocket Attacks

Wednesday was the sixth day in a row in which Gaza terrorists fired rockets at southern Israel.

Gallant Calls in IDF Reserves Preparing for Jihad Retaliation Round

The Gaza Health Ministry reported its teams are “still evacuating the martyrs from the targeted areas.”

Former Israeli minister: Druze Tribal Warfare Tactics a Model for Israel

“The Druze youth protesting in the streets and obstructing roads delivered a message to the Palestinians,” says Ayoub Kara.

Bennett: Iran Was Behind Gaza Rocket, Mortar Attacks on Israel

"We must not drop the ball and we cannot lose sight of our main target -- Iran. The moment we destroy the head of the octopus, our situation ... will be much better."

Hamas Says 50 Dead ‘Innocent Protesters’ Are Members of Its Terror Group

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group claimed at least another three of the dead were members of its ranks as well.

Hamas Firing Rockets from Gaza Again; Israeli Families Race Back to the Bomb Shelters

The Code Red rocket alert sirens were triggered on the second night of Prince William's three-day visit to Israel.

Bennett: Don’t Stand Over Me with a Stopwatch on Ending Gaza Terrorism

"I don't want to be dragged into a round of violence. If and when we do it, it will be at our convenience, in a manner and location which suit us, and it will be very painful."

Jerusalem Arab Gets 10 Months for Posting Severed Head Video

80 indictments were selected from some 300 incitement complaints.

Watch: IDF Officer Wounded in Gaza Border Violence

At least 11,000 Hamas-led Arabs took part in attacks on IDF soldiers and attempts to damage the security fence along the Gaza border.

More than 50 Rockets Fired at Israel Tuesday Morning

According to Walla News, following the escalation in the south, the IDF is starting to call up reserve forces for the defense of the Gaza Strip envelope.

Watch: IDF Takes Down Dozens of Hamas Terrorist Targets in the Gaza Strip

The terrorist targets included a Hamas headquarters building, the Hamas Internal Security Ministry, and the office of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh.

Southern Israel on Red Alert Following Night of Multiple Rocket Attacks

At least two of the rockets was identified as having been launched from a site in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

Netanyahu: Operation Guardian of the Walls in Far From Over

The senior officials of Hamas "think that they can flee from our strikes -- they cannot flee. We will reach them everywhere, all of these people, and we will continue to do so."

Operation Black Belt Hit All Its Targets; Bennett: It’s Not Over, We’ll Keep Hitting

Bennett on Wednesday declared that while the results of the quick and punishing campaign in Gaza were extremely satisfactory, there was still a great deal to do.

IDF General Warns Gazans, ‘Do Not Test Our Strength’

"Irresponsible terrorists are leading you to an escalation right before winter, when the hardships in Gaza increase."

Most Arab Terrorists Freed in Political Deals Resume Violence, Incitement

The freed terrorists aren't rehabilitated and have no restrictions on their movement.

Watch Cartoons for Kids in Gaza

“Hamas ensures a violent adulthood when it promotes this content on TV.”

Attack in Ashdod: This Is How It Looks When a Rocket Hits

The injuries followed a rocket that landed in the city center while the peace signing ceremony was in progress in Washington, DC.

Thursday Fire Tally: Incendiary Balloons in Jerusalem, Bat Yam, Southern Israel

Israel Police instruct the public NOT to touch or EVEN TO APPROACH any suspicious object, including balloons or kites which "may contain flammable or explosive material."

Israel Attacks 12 Terror Targets in Gaza, Including Tunnel-Building Factory

"Shortly you'll be hearing explosions resulting from IDF activity in the Gaza Strip," Eshkol Regional Council leaders told residents.

IDF Preparing for Gaza Strip Escalation over Rosh Hashanah

Egypt and Qatar are exerting heavy pressure on Hamas to order terrorist organizations to stop operating along the border fence with Israel.

Gaza Terrorists at Kerem Shalom Crossing Cut Security Fence

Terrorists with bolt cutters were working away at the fence, while others were engaged in setting fire to what appeared to be a conveyor through which fuel deliveries to Gaza are made.

IDF Eliminates Islamic Jihad Naval Commander

Israeli forces also eliminated the Islamic Jihad terrorist Ahmad Almasri, who took part in the October 7th massacre.

Tensions on Southern Front as IDF Prepares for Broader Rocket Launches

Member of the Political-Security Cabinet Yoav Galant (Likud) told Reshet Bet radio Sunday morning "there will be no choice but to reach another round of violence in the Gaza Strip."

IDF Clashes with Arab Rioters Along Gaza Border

The violence follows the “regular” weekly Friday riots in which thousands of Gazans gather at various points along the security fence to attempt attacks on IDF soldiers.

Senior Hamas Official: Rocket Attack Orchestrated by Iran to Oust Netanyahu

"Firing the rocket was an attempt to influence the elections and the political agenda in Israel – and even bring about the removal of Netanyahu and the Likud from power.

Security Cabinet to Tell High Court: Reconsider Your Ruling On Returning Terrorist Bodies

The security cabinet did not accept the High Court's rulings and is demanding an expanded court be convened to reconsider their decision.

Israel, Qatar, UN Reach Deal for Cash Deliveries to Gaza

Defense Minister Gantz said he worked with Qatar "to ensure the money reaches those truly in need, while maintaining Israel's security needs."

IDF Destroys Islamic Jihad Post, Seizes Advanced Long-Range Missiles

In addition, the facility contained a training tank used by the terrorists to learn how to capture an IDF tank.


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