Ministers Confirm Remaining Falashmura Can Come to Israel

The newcomers would have to undergo a conversion, as well as be taught Jewish values and the history of the Zionist movement.

Nasa Physicist Makes Aliyah, Delta Airlines Honors Him

Jerry Wittenstein worked with Neil Armstrong at NASA and he just made Aliyah with his wife.

Zionism Today: Mikhail Prokhorov (Worth $11.4 Billion) Makes Aliyah

"Kremlin leaders gave him what amounts to an insiders’ opportunity to buy one of the state's most valuable assets."

Absorption Ministry: 494 Physicians and 83 Nurses Made Aliyah in 2023

The average age of physicians who immigrate to Israel is 41.4, and the median age is 37.

Barcelona Chief Rabbi Urges Congregation to Flee to Israel Before It’s Too Late

“Europe is lost,” the rabbi said. “Don’t make the same mistake as the Algerian Jews, and the Jews in Venezuela...”

Tuesday 223 American Olim Made Israel their Home

The 223 newcomers include Jews from 17 US states and two Canadian provinces, former servicemen from three different US Armed Forces units, families of all sizes, and young professionals.

Large Majority of Israelis Support More Benefits to New Immigrants

A large majority of Israelis are willing to support an increase in benefits to help new immigrants succeed.

250 Jews from Ukraine Arrive in Israel, With Help of ICFJ

For some two decades, the IFCJ has been helping Jews make Aliyah.

Hundreds of Jewish Leaders in First-Ever Jewish Agency Board of Governors Meetings in Paris

Sharansky: “This is the single greatest expression of the Jewish people’s solidarity with French Jewry.”

Iranian Blogger Taking Hebrew Classes in Jewish Agency Ulpan

"The Jewish Agency, which has welcomed millions of Jews home to Israel, is proud to play a part in easing Neda’s integration into her country of refuge."

Netanyahu Meets New Falash Mura Olim, Blue&White Ethiopian Deserter

In January, Netanyahu lured Blue&White, Ethiopia-born MK Gadi Yevarkan over to the Likud side, inserting him in the 20th slot of the party's slate.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Launches ‘Aliyah Inspired’ Online Event

Due to the organization not being able to hold its annual Mega Aliyah Event in the US, Nefesh B’Nefesh has created a month of inspiring content presented by Olim for Olim.

Six Million Excuses NOT to Make Aliyah

The one reason to make Aliyah outweighs all the arguments not to move to Israel.

180 Ethiopian Olim Arrive in Israel, Part of Ongoing Operation Tzur Israel

95,000 Ethiopians have immigrated to Israel since the establishment of the state.

Israeli Official Unveils Plan to Rescue French Jewry from Escalating Anti-Semitism

Between the years 2000 and 2017, 10 percent of the French Jewish community, the largest in Europe, immigrated to Israel.

President Rivlin’s Independence Day Message Thanks Jews in the Diaspora

He thanks Jews who stand up for Israel but didn’t even hint they should make Aliyah.

Report: One in Three UK Jews Thinking about Leaving

37% of UK Jews conceal their Jewish identity in public and 17% don't feel welcome in their own country.

Left Wing Infiltrators from IfNotNow Disrupt Birthright Taglit Tour

"They didn't come to learn about Israel, but rather about Palestine... to bash Israel on purpose, and in public."

African-American Converts Make Aliyah to Israel

Aaron is a plumber, Tracie, a former National Guard member, wants to volunteer in the IDF.

Charter ‘Aliyah’ Flight to Land in Israel Tuesday with 221 New ‘Olim’

Minister Ze'ev Elkin will welcome 221 new immigrants from the United States and Canada at Ben Gurion Airport on Tuesday., one year after Operation...

Rescue Mission: Preserving the Torah Heritage of Ethiopian Jewry

The students . . . understand full well that if they don't do it, it simply won't happen - and this heritage that is so precious to them will be lost."

162 Members of Lost Tribe of Bnei Menashe Arrive in Israel

"More than 2,700 years after their ancestors were exiled from the Land, the Bnei Menashe are at last returning home to Zion.”

New Non-Profit Helps People Move to Israel

La'aretz helps Israelis and Jews overcome bureaucratic and financial obstacles to immigrating, returning, visiting and traveling to Israel.

Amid Chaos, Economic Collapse, Venezuela’s Jews Seek Safer Shores

“My hospital is still the best in Venezuela, but I don’t know for how long, we don’t have medicines anymore, even antibiotics.”

Israeli Cabinet Discussed Transferring Conquered Arab Population in 1967

The discussion, then as now, revolved around annexation versus a two-state solution, although at the time the most these Israeli ministers could imagine was a Palestinian autonomy under Israeli rule (a solution that's to the right of today's Likud).

Highest Number of New Immigrants in Israel from Ukraine, Russia and France

Immigration to Israel this year was up 28% compared to the previous year. An estimated total of 24,800 new immigrants arrived to Israel throughout the course of the year.

Vast Majority of Israelis Say Diaspora Jews Need to Come Home

Researchers found that nearly 82 percent of those surveyed believe Israel is the safest place in the world for Jews today.

Israel Innovation Authority ‘Luring’ Academics, Entrepreneurs Back to Israel [video]

Every year, hundreds from academia and industry return to Israel, fulfilling a desire to come back home and find employment appropriate to their education and skills.


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