France’s next government will be led by the extreme left, and will necessarily be anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, to please the millions of Muslim voters. The next government in France will not even try to protect French Jews when they are attacked in the suburbs of Paris and Marseille, because if it does, there would be Muslim riots in the streets and many cars would be set on fire.
French Jews’ fear that an “extreme right-wing” party would prevent the Jews from practicing their religion freely––as in having to import their kosher meat––has been replaced by a much greater existential fear, as the extreme left, allied with some 10 million French Muslims, many of whom are extremely antisemitic.
Last week, after Marine Le Pen’s party’s victory in the first round of parliamentary elections, Rabbi Moshe Sebbag of the Paris Grand Synagogue warned: “It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France, I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”
Now, after the national right has been outmaneuvered by a coalition led by the extreme left, French Jews appear even more eager to leave their country while the leaving is good.
The price French people gonna pay for choosing left over far right.
No French flag to be seen in presidential election victory rally.
Only ???
— Scarlet Heart (Modi Ka Parivar) (@_Saffron_Girl_) July 8, 2024
In recent demonstrations of support for the left-wing parties, the French flags were publicly and unobtrusively replaced by the flags of Hamas and Jihad, and this says it all. On July 7, exactly 9 months after the October 7 unprovoked Hamas attack, the citizens of France brought into the world the most dystopic political reality since the Vichy government that collaborated with Nazi Germany.
Allocating all 577 House seats, the New Popular Front (NFP) – a coalition of socialists, communists, environmentalists, and the far-left La France Insoumise (LFI) emerged as the leading force with 182 seats. An additional 13 seats were secured by left-wing independents, according to official data from the Ministry of the Interior.
The Macron bloc, comprising three parties, lost its majority. It now holds 168 seats, a steep drop from its previous 250. Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) came in third despite its first-round success, with 143 seats.
Jewish French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy tweeted on Sunday: “For a democrat, there is now a main enemy: LFI. Pray that Macron does not call Mélenchon [to cobble a coalition government] under any circumstances. Urge the social democrats to break their pact with this antisemite. Relentlessly denounce these so-called rebels who shame the Republic.”
A little later, a defeated Lévy tweeted: “The left is once again kidnapped by the infamous Mélenchon. Divisive language. I hate the republic on my lips. Around him now, there are some incarnations of the new antisemitism. A chilling moment. A stain: continue fighting against these people.”
Ariel Kendall, CEO of Qualita, the umbrella organization of French-speaking Jews in Israel, on Tuesday told Ynet about the far-left victors: “These are people who deny the massacre of October 7, define Hamas as a resistance movement, and at their conferences yesterday, far more Palestinian flags were seen than French. This is a reality that is very difficult for the Jewish community to accept. It is very dramatic. It is bad for France and bad for the Jews.”
“Mélenchon’s victory is a terrible signal of impunity sent to anti-Jewish Islamofascists,” French Jewish journalist Yohann Taieb tweeted on Monday.
❗️??? – Tonight, mass demonstrations and riots are occurring in Paris and other cities across France.
Far-left groups and Islamists are protesting the recent election results, where Marine Le Pen’s right-wing populist party, National Rally, made significant gains in the French…
— ??The Informant (@theinformant_x) June 30, 2024
According to Kendall, since Sunday’s second-round leftist win, many Jews have contacted the aliya organizations asking to look into different options. “There are three main reasons for immigration: Zionism, the economy, and antisemitism,” he told Ynet. “68% of French Jews report in surveys that they do not feel safe, so they are looking into different options. If in the past the US and Canada were also options, but today many see that the situation of the Jews has changed there as well after October 7. Many think that if there is really no definite destination worth immigrating to, then Israel is after all the home of the Jewish people. In terms of identity, people seek to belong, and Israel provides them with that.”
Studies show that 38% of French Jews are thinking about immigration, which in absolute numbers it’s about 200 thousand people. Kendall explains that “If we hone the question, it turns out that 13% of the community is thinking about it very seriously, and that’s about 60,000 people who could come tomorrow morning. Why aren’t they on the plane yet? Because the social welfare in France is one of the most generous in the world, and they are afraid of losing it. Economically, it’s not a simple transition. We need to think about how we offer them more financial options and a better reception in the country.”
Some 700,000 French Jews are eligible to make Aliyah under the Law of Return. Until recently, French Jews have been well integrated in France, enjoying religious freedoms and all the benefits of belonging to the French Republic. French Jewish Aliyah in the past few decades was spurred by several events that caused the number of olim to increase significantly. During the Second Intifada in the early 2000s, and later during the IDF operations against Islamist terrorist organizations, there was an intermittent increase in antisemitic incidents against Jews in France, which manifested itself in the vandalism of cemeteries and synagogues alongside Muslim violent attacks on Jews.
The most serious incidents during this period were the kidnapping and brutal murder of Ilan Halimi by a gang of Muslim immigrants in 2006, the murder of a teacher and three students at the school in Toulouse by a young Muslim in 2012, the attack on the offices of Charli Hebdo, and the murder of four Jews in an attack on a Jewish supermarket in Paris in 2015.
According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, after Germany annexed Austria in March 1938 and particularly after the Kristallnacht pogroms of November 9–10, 1938, nations in Western Europe and the Americas feared an influx of refugees. About 85,000 Jewish refugees reached the United States between March 1938 and September 1939, but this level of immigration was far below the number of German Jews seeking refuge. In late 1938, 125,000 applicants lined up outside US consulates hoping to obtain 27,000 visas under the existing immigration quota. By June 1939, the number of applicants had increased to more than 300,000. Most visa applicants were unsuccessful. At the Evian Conference in July 1938, only the Dominican Republic stated that it was prepared to admit significant numbers of refugees, although Bolivia would admit around 30,000 Jewish immigrants between 1938 and 1941.

To make my point, I will now Google translate the above passage to a language our French brethren and sistren will understand:
Selon l’Encyclopédie de l’Holocauste, après l’annexion de l’Autriche par l’Allemagne en mars 1938 et particulièrement après les pogroms de la Nuit de Cristal des 9 et 10 novembre 1938, les pays d’Europe occidentale et des Amériques craignaient un afflux de réfugiés. Environ 85 000 réfugiés juifs atteignirent les États-Unis entre mars 1938 et septembre 1939, mais ce niveau d’immigration était bien inférieur au nombre de Juifs allemands cherchant refuge. À la fin de 1938, 125 000 demandeurs faisaient la queue devant les consulats américains dans l’espoir d’obtenir 27 000 visas dans le cadre du quota d’immigration en vigueur. En juin 1939, le nombre de candidats dépassait les 300 000. La plupart des demandeurs de visa n’ont pas abouti. Lors de la Conférence d’Evian en juillet 1938, seule la République dominicaine se déclara prête à accueillir un nombre important de réfugiés, même si la Bolivie admettait environ 30 000 immigrants juifs entre 1938 et 1941.