Photo Credit: Yaniv Nadav/Flash90
Bedouin girl carrying a lamb (illustration).

A 7-year-old Bedouin girl was seriously injured overnight Sunday near Arad by shrapnel from an Iron Dome interceptor that hit her house. An MDA team treated her and evacuated her to Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva. The girl, who suffered a head injury, was unconscious and intubated.

Soroka Hospital reported that the injured girl was transferred to an operating room and is hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit.


“The children were sleeping here and it fell on them,” a family member told Ynet. “It’s just a sheet of metal up there, there’s no protection.”

Apart from the girl, Soroka reported eight Israelis were slightly injured, some were hit by shrapnel and some fell while running to bomb shelters. Three suffered an anxiety attack.

MDA paramedic Zohar Sarbintsky reported: “Near the entrance to Arad we joined a private car that came from the Bedouin community. In the back seat was a 7-year-old girl, unconscious, with a shrapnel injury to her head. We gave her life-saving medical treatment and evacuated her to the hospital in serious condition.”

According to MDA, some 20 Israelis were injured while running to bomb shelters or suffered from anxiety attacks.

Yoseph Haddad, a pro-Zionist Israeli Arab, tweeted Sunday morning (see translation below):

So, after Iran’s night attack on Israel, it can be said that Iran has failed! Not a single drone or cruise missile penetrated Israel, and the absolute majority of ballistic missiles fired from Iran were successfully intercepted. But Iran did manage to achieve 3 things:
1- To seriously injure a 7-year-old Bedouin Arab girl
2- To strengthen Israel in the world, to lead to a union between Israel and the Western countries that provide complete support for Israel, and also to create an alliance between Israel and other Arab countries that provide support, including Jordan, which intercepted some of the missiles, and according to a report by the Al-Arabiya network, it was reported that Saudi Arabia also intercepted missiles.
3- To create unprecedented hysteria among their own population in Iran! The Iranian currency is in freefall and at an all-time low, the Iranians raided gas stations and supermarkets all night, and there is a mad panic there in anticipation of the IDF’s response.
So, while Israel is busy protecting its citizens, the Iranian regime is busy destroying the Middle East and its own people!

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