Photo Credit: Israel Fire and Rescue
Fire Dept. General Rachel Pisam.

For the first time in history, Israel’s Fire Commissioner appointed a woman to the post of head of the human resources department at the rank of Tafsar, the equivalent of an IDF General.

Fire and Rescue Commissioner Lieutenant-General Eyal Caspi appointed Rachel Pisam as head of the Human Resources Division, making her the first woman in the history of the fire department to be appointed to such a senior position.


Racheli Pisam, 55, a Haredi woman from Bnei Brak, is the mother of 11 and grandmother of 18 grandchildren.

Caspi called Pisam a trailblazer for being the first woman ever to attain the rank of General and become part of the senior command staff of the fire department.

Rachel Pisam thanked the chief for his trust and noted that it is possible to raise a wonderful family while performing demanding and challenging tasks.

Pisam told Army radio on Sunday that she and her husband had had some misgivings about her promotion, in terms of her ability to share in the household chores, as well as issues related to her being a Haredi woman commanding a very male-orientated office. She said their rabbi proved very supportive and enlightening in resolving the latter issue.

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