Photo Credit: Akiva Shainberger
Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Minister for Combating Antisemitism and Social Equality holds a Kfar Chabad etrog.

Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Minister for Combating Antisemitism and Social Equality, recently took a tour of Kfar Chabad, during which he learned about the global outreach projects originating from the village, alongside the authentic Chassidic atmosphere.

During the visit, Chikli toured the etrog orchard of the Gorlik family, discovering the secrets of growing the unique fruit for Sukkot.

Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Minister for Combating Antisemitism and Social Equality learns about growing etrogim with Kfar Chabad’s Rabbi Gorlik.

The minister also visited the honey manufacturing plant run by the Schneerson family. He also met with local Council Chairman David Yifrach and his deputy, Rabbi Benjamin Lipschitz.

Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Minister for Combating Antisemitism and Social Equality learns about the production of Kfar Chabad’s famed honey from Rabbi Schneerson.

He also visited the offices of the Chabad World Assistance (CWA) organization, which works in conjunction with COSEM (Chabad Office of Security and Emergency Management). He heard from Rabbi Shlomo Peles and Rabbi Moshe Fleishman about unique challenges faced by Chabad institutions worldwide.

He also heard about the work of the Jewish Relief Network Ukraine (JRNU), the Chabad relief agency coordinating the efforts throughout Ukraine. Chikli and his office have been instrumental in supporting the Jewish communities in Ukraine suffering from the ongoing war.

A highlight of the visit was a tour of the building of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Israel, a replica of the Rebbe’s shul – 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, New York. Chikli put on Tefillin and davened in the replica of the Rebbe’s room. Since the visit took place before Rosh Hashana, he also heard the sound of the Shofar.

For Chikli, who has been learning Chassidut, the visit to the Israeli branch of Kehot Publication Society was especially exciting. He browsed through the shelves of books, inquired, explored, and even acquired several books. He was guided there by Kehot directors Rabbi Meni Wolff and his sons Rabbi Eli Wolff and Rabbi Zusha Wolff, as well as Rabbi Shie Segal.

The visit concluded with a lunch at the ‘Ma’ayanoteich’ study hall, where he was welcomed by Rabbi Moshe Shilat and the chairman of the Kfar Chabad committee, Rabbi Shimon Rabinovich. The meal quickly turned into a lively farbrengen, with participants discussing relevant topics related to the Rebbe’s teachings for Tishrei.

This report first appeared on the website.

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