MK Simcha Rothman, Chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee was invited to speak at a conference at Tel Aviv University, but instead found himself in a room full of middle-aged and senior citizen anarchists armed with horns and whistles who tried to shout him down. Outside the hall were more mostly-older anarchists.
Sara Haetzni-Cohen managed to post a screenshot taken from one of the anarchists’ internal WhatsApp groups, in which one of the participants allegedly brags how he physically attacked Rothman.
The activist wrote, “I got close to Rothman the fascist, the fascist terrorist and I put the horn to his ear and blew with all my might until a bodyguard pushed me back. I can say with great satisfaction that I could see the look in Rothman’s eyes. He was A-F-R-A-I-D.”
אלימות כדרך חיים. בושה עליכם. pic.twitter.com/Px2IU3P6VY
— Sara Ha'etzni Cohen (@SaraHaetzniCohe) May 28, 2023
In addition to attempting to prevent Rothman from being heard and physically attempting to deafen him, the anarchists also vandalized Rothman’s car while it was parked on the campus, plastering the entire car with stickers. For those that might minimize the vandalism as a cheap stunt, others are pointing out that those same people react very differently when it’s pointed out that a young Itamar Ben-Gvir once vandalized the car of then Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.
The MK's car. pic.twitter.com/xsYFCOFgVa
— Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) May 28, 2023
רכבי ממשלת הביזה! pic.twitter.com/VUBdi4cnhC
— Ami Dror ?? עמי דרור (@AmiDror) May 28, 2023
While attempting to prevent Rothman from speaking, Rothman responded and criticized the protesters from the podium, pointing out that they are only yelling because their arguments are weak. They’re bullying because they can’t deal with things intellectually. And while they claim they believe in democracy, they are unable to hear any viewpoints other than their own, and instead try to shut everyone else up.
חובבי הדמוקרטיה, שוחרי חופש הביטוי וחסידי חירות הפרט מניפים את דגל הסובלנות הידוע של ארגון הטרור.
אפשר להתווכח על תיקון מערכת המשפט, אבל אם מצאתם את עצמכם בצד האלים וסותם הפיות שבא להשתיק פאנל בו עמדתי הייתה דווקא במיעוט, כדאי לכם לחשב מסלול מחדש. pic.twitter.com/cDZY4BfD0I
— שמחה רוטמן – Simcha Rothman (@rothmar) May 28, 2023
Sounds about right.